Ooh. May I be the hobo in a cave? My reason is so I can tell people dressed like elves that it is dangerous to go alone.
Seeing this thread is in Fan Fiction... 22 March 2015, 11:00 A.M. Today, I woke up and hit The Haunting as usual. I look at the forums as usual. I see normal threads come and get locked or go. The Kaw World is busy with lots of activities, ads in the World Chat, messages from players to another, HTE's going, primal/indi wars, as well as OSW wars. The town is filled with all kinds of players; nice, helpful, caring, trolls, clowns, jokers, farmers and many more. "Hmm...I hope this thread will go well."
We offer satellite TV, DirectGreatking, and I offer cable, ComFrank. $30.00 a month for unlimited access to every channel known to man, and 37 known to monkey. You get it all for $30.00 a month. It comes with a built-in search feature for a channel you want. You can get a TV channel for $300.00 a month, and you get a name in our TV guide!! TV Channels- The Used to be about History Channel Box News Network Fair and Balanced Conservative News CBA Sitcoms, news every now and then, and sometimes movies! NSM If you get on this channel, you'll almost be on TV!! But not really, because no one watches this channel. SBP Messages from your friendly neighborhood government overlords. We are not trying to brainwash you into voting for us!! Wink, wink. Disney Senior Disney shows that you watched as a child! Hish Fooks (I'm not meaning to bypass, it's a play on words of a Disney show), The Suite Times of Cach and Zody, Fravity Galls, and Bog with a Dlog, and many more TV shows from your child hood! Stickelodeon TV entertainment for all families! Shows from the 90's, like Jake and Dosh, Bye Reginald, Carpetrodents, and shows for today's teens, like eMarly, Successful, False Johnson, PV, and shows for the little tykes, like Bora the Communist, Ostriches of New Zealand, and many more!! Live Action Network With more than 3,000 shows, movies, and specials, we can put on mindless entertainment for you and your kids, until 8:30 or so at night, when we throw any traces of kid-friendly entertainment out the window for adults who watch shows that shouldn't be showed to children all night!! Pike The channel for all things MAN!!! One minute we have an interesting show about warriors from different time periods fighting each other after careful analysis if their weapons, armor, tactics, and skills, and then ROBOTS FIGHTING EACHOTHER!!!! NPSE The channel for all things sports!!! Curling, polo, golf, bowling, ice skating, and falconry!! The most exciting sports in the world!!!! KaW Town Local News If you can't figure this out, you should just throw your TV out the window. The Shopping Channel Buy people's junk they don't want anymore!! The Pokechannel Pokemon documentaries, training videos, and fights!!! This is the channel for all things Pikachu!!! And Many More!
I shall open a Pokémon Gym in KaW Town! Because I love running around in shorts in the long grass with my Rattatta! (If you get this joke, have a Slowpoke Tail on a Stick.)