Kaw spending limits?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by __Speedos__, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. Hello everyone,

    With black Friday promos coming soon I thought I'd post a topic for discussion.

    Should kaw have daily/weekly/monthly spending limits to protect people who might have an addiction to spending on the game.

    I have seen a number of other games implement spending limits to protect their users.

    Pros - protect vulnerable people with more addictive personalities

    Cons - devs make less money

    Happy black Friday spending 🤑🤑🤑
  2. Kaw did this several years back around 2010-2011 (I believe to stop the spending on the counterfeit iTunes gift cards). I was under the impression there still is a spending limit however I have not spent that much to find out.
  3. If they limit spending in game, people will just use the black market that totally doesnt exist rn🤷‍♂️