KaW Servers?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by BAGLE, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. so you are telling me that if we put 2 accounts, 1 being a lb account, and one being a 30mcs on a scale, told them to do the exact same thing in a ZTA and they would come out even? clearly the scale would be tipped to one side....

    im not an idiot for seeing what you don't XD
  2. i never said that they would make the same amount of gold. i was trying to illustrate that spreading a large amount of gold among a large amount of players isn't going to "unbalance" the game. all an xtal does is create 1 additional unload. by your "logic" the game would be unbalanced if everyone was just a little more active one day and played an hour longer than normal.

    so yeah, you are an idiot.
  3. Either way, the game will be unbalanced... wether slightly or on a larger scale...
