KAW Roadmap Update - January 27th

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Jan 28, 2014.

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  1. I would be happy with something simple, like a pvp LB. A LB that reflects only actions against players on BL. That way we have something to work towards atleast as pvpers. This would be extremely fair to bc any size player could rank there if they actively hit BL
  2. @Kaw_admin talking about road map. About Android version. When are you planning to finally adapt to rules and regulations and stop enforcing Apple's restrictions to Android users? In this rhythm I predict Google will very soon say "bye bye" to KaW.
  3. For most I know xtals aren't the barrier for war. Matchups are. Do u notice on wc that all that is wanted for wars is gh's??? The fact that a nothing build is the most wanted build should tell you all you need to know. In order for these wars to progress u need to eliminate the dtw/dts and make gh's not desirable by making 50% of the payout based on number of lands. Once everyone runs their mains, wars will equalize. Until then wc will be spammed with "need gh's for war". Do u not see that wanting a crap stat bank for wars is messed??? Look at this like rl. This is probably the only game that a small character is more desirable than a big one. U need to fix this.
  4. Looking into it.
  5. @Kaw_Admin,

    I am, hopefully understandably, unhappy with EE getting the priority in it's prospective team of updates but nothing I can do other than deal with it or quit.

    It is frustrating to see something ahead of something I play the game for but you guys are in a situation of having to pick one or the other and can't please everyone, this time it is myself and many other off-system pvp players once again.

    I only wish to see this update sooner than later because this game, with all the new lands and epic battles and x3 ebs have killed off system pvp and it is really becoming a dull game to play. If not for my friends and position in Foxes I would have quit a long time ago.

    On that note, it is great to see it as a high priority. As said earlier, the game will get the 5 star rating from myself and many others, once that off system update is made and judged.
  6. Kaw_admin: When are you going to add my ideas? My supporters are waiting 
  7. Rusted knight your saying exactly what I want to say, you are just much better with words than I am. Lol
    Ty for giving voice to how I feel
  8. If you use any of Devouring's suggestions I will quit that second. :lol:
  9. Basically this is where I stand, kaw was my first love in app games and I spent a good bit of money weekly on here. That money is now being spent on other app games that are more (non-structured) PVP oriented. I'm not saying do away with ebs or anything dumb like that I'm just asking allow us all to play how we want to. If I want to get geared and grow from hitting BL why shouldn't I be able to? The systems already there in the BL just add the rewards. That simple addition would be enough to get me to delete my other app games and fire kaw up more than one week again lol
  10. TBH I wanted to be ready to launch it a lot sooner. We had some setback that were out of our control that pushed back the EE reward changes, which were already in progress.
  11. Also, anything in plan for the Valiant Knight achievement?

    Or was it just a one time thing.
  12. @Kaw admin
    While I have you on here could you please explain how hard it is to just add incentives to the BL. Seems like it would be easy since the systems already there but I don't pretend to understand what you guys do as developers.
  13. Here's a suggestion, it may be terrible but here it is. Make battle list hits and actions give point you can exchange for gear and gold and give the BL it's own LB. That would satisfy most PVPers I believe. And would eliminate alt farming exploit as BL is random
  14. @Kaw_Admin, push backs happen. That is why I am not asking for a timeframe. I would ask that once the update for off-system pvp are on the table to do this.

    1) Don't give us a date that they will be out until you know that they are ready to go live

    2)Once you have solid solutions of what will be fixed and changed in off system pvp, please let us know.

    3)After it is out have the last line as a gif. and post below that. HERE, NOW FARM SOMETHING AND BE HAPPY ALREADY :lol:

    Anyways, till then I will make the best of what is handed to me, as we all should until these updates occur.
  15. Kaw admin-What about the clan improvements?
  16. @Flight, I believe their is a suggestion like that floating around in forums.
  17. Ya rusted I've seen it, there's actually a couple and it seems so simple with the BL already in place I don't understand why it has to take so long to implement it.
  18. Hey there, that's a great idea and some of it is part of what we'd like to do.

    EDIT: sorry for being obtuse but I can't confirm or deny anything
  19. Ty, I feel like an ass now for being so rude. Lol
    But those ideas were being suggested when I was active about a year ago. There not new
  20. great! thanks for the update devs!!
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