KAW Roadmap Update - January 27th

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Jan 28, 2014.

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  1. Agree retro ur 100% correct but devs say they have matches perfect and we complain of nothing fix matches... Hold all until it's fixed I don't play for EPICS
  2. Woah woah woah,

    What about clan updates??? New Roles and such..
  3. @flight, I would love nothing more than to be able to grow off of battle list.

    But in the soft eb era of kaw, I am tired of the crying. They hate playing my way so it becomes apparent to have to play theres.
  4. And KaW forgot to mention that these sweet PvP changes will come along after they monitor seasons 1-67. I'm not impressed and I still have KaW rated as a one star.
  5. Slayer bob, page 4 or 5.
  6. And I'm sorry I know I sound like a whiny but hurt statless alt, thats bc I kinda am. I spent around 3k usd on this game and played for about two and half years just to see the devs push me in a direction to where I feel like I gave to grind ebs all day or do e war to keep up, neither of wich I enjoy. EBs should be just a supplemental thing in here, used to restock pots or just a way to have some income when you want a break from war, instead they've became the main focus and only source of income for gold
  7. Machine lol, same here, they will get 5 stars once off system pvp is fixed, till then, 1 star.
  8. Ahz, thanks mate. Well now I'm upset. New roles are much needed.
  9. Thanks, I really appreciate both the question and the sentiment.

    1) Includes Off - System but we are currently working on EE Rewards first.
    2) The priority is high.
    3) Rewarding players for this kind of play is one of the things we plan to make better.
  10. *have. Sorry for all the typos , new phone
  11. Devs, Please shift focus from your contents workstreams to your features workstream. It should be obvious that you can be cleverer in your resource management when your paying customers can see poor progress on one and are 'expressing frustrations', In my business we have to shift resources regularly to respond to new feedback and challenges, please can you do the same before at least some of these frustrated people vote with there wallets and decide not to spend any more on this application. Aside from that, thanks for the update as it is nice to have more proactive communication from you. :)
  12. Agree. Focus on FEATURES not content,
  13. Both are correct. We didn't change the algorithm between season 2 and 3 but we did make other changes that affected EE.
  14. How about awarding those clans that have put the effort into arranging a roster for wars only for it to get a 'no match' at the 11th hour?

    Perhaps 1 or even .5 of a Rancor Point for all personnel unlucky enough to get a no match.

    I'm aware this maybe open to abuse by a few however the majority are here to war and you will soon be able to identify the Walter Mitty War Dodgers!
  15. Devs, please just add drops to the battle list. 1 inferno here 1 nob there, maybe a rare seal of the damned or xtal. Maybe the mith dust idea idk but I'm sure it would make a lot of people happy
  16. How about rancor checkpoints kaw admin?

    Having a plateau reached and not fallin under if lose war

    This will have players play after rancor 50
  17. Sorry if that part was confusing. They are separate resources, we can't shift them as they are independent of each other and work in parallel.
  18. does new improvement inckudes locking up ur war threads???
  19. Cut. The. Crap.

    No one, and I mean NO ONE cares about your lame ass bone dragon eb. The drops that came from this were supposed to be enchanted by items that were dropped in PvP. In PvP! Now that I know you're working on another crappy, half assed eb that probably takes a few ******* minutes to create, I KNOW that these new equipment can kiss PvP goodbye. The pieces needed for enchantment will be easily obtained in ebs. Why? Because you're smart enough to not make two ******* failures in a row.

    Another thing, a spring event? Are you ******* serious? What do you plan on doing now? Let meee guuuesss. Some pieces of equipment that belong in your arm and chest or your shoulder and legs? One that will be surpassed by ee equipment, again.

    And why drop equipment for newer players? So they start equipment hunting early and never have a home in which they're loyal to? So they can get it just to replace it a little later by equipment that's already out?

    This whole charades with PvP is getting stupid. You mentioned working on PvP months ago, but now it has been put back.

    And really, look at what you have put back. You pushed back BUG FIXES so you could work on that trash. You put back BETTER PLAYER EXPERIENCE to work on that trash.

    .. Oh, and a thanks in advance if you quote me. I like how you said "thanks, well put that into consideration" or "that's good feedback thanks" like you always do.
  20. Also, I know it's kinda off topic but what's up with war 2?

    Most no matches I have ever seen and you immediately lock the thread to avoid the rage. Anything to say about that?
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