KAW REVOLUTION! Cast off your EB chains, idiots!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by 0dysseus, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Personally, if I was going to join a farming clan.

    I join one that the owner actually knew how to farm.

    Watch out, OP's a bad ass with 6k losses and 155k wins!!
  2. I am going to kindly ask any folks who respond on this thread to think before get post.

    First, consider your reading comprehension skills. Did you understand what you read? Have you been able to process it properly?

    Assuming the answer is yes, consider whether you are capable of composing a response that makes sense, and has some semblance of grammatical accuracy.

    Lastly, ask yourself: Am I contributing anything to this conversation?

    Thank you.
  3. I think there are many clans like this, and many posts like this claiming they like/support OSW. Some of those clans continue to do Warbeasts, claiming "We need to start up.". Others just sit there. I don't know a single clan that was founded upon the principles of OSW and adheres to those principles. What makes your thread (and clan) so special? Let's say people do join the clan... what then? Who will you OSW? How will your clan be run?
  4. noob.
  5. Stop crying like a baby op. you wanna osw then do it. You don't wanna hit eb then don't. I didn't hit 1 eb from September to early January.

    Kaw can be any game you want it to be so just play and stop moaning.

    Fed up of the "old vets" who whinge on during about how bad kaw has become. It's different but strange thing to say when there are osw all over the show. There are 4 hour estocs and ability to play any game you want to.

    You're worse than noobs asking for a one button full unload
  6. In my own honest opinion of course 
  8. Evil-Villain,

    Thank you for the thoughtful and well reasoned question.

    The truth is, this IS a start-up, if you will, so the details still need to be worked out.

    Generally, however, I think the idea will be to hit whoever we feel like, either as individuals, or as a group, for whatever reason we want, or no reason at all. Chaos and havoc, essentially, for the sake of havoc and chaos. Shake things up a bit.

    That is only going to work for people who are tired of EBs being the point if the game, though we will have EBs running regularly so people can stick up on pots. The difference, relative to EB clans, is that we won't generally care about finishing EBs. They are a funding mechanism for pots, not an end unto themselves.

    You are correct, however...there are a lot of clans like this. This is not an original idea, per se. It may not work, when all is said and done. But that is ok...if it comes to that, I will do it solo, or with a few like-minded colleagues.
  9. we could build up and join an established war clan for that, people dont just go hlbc by warring you know :lol: they think smart and grow then only war when they have to.
  10. Gotta agree with Nate on page one.

    U have an EB build OP...

    It's a nice sentiment but seeing as how you grew strictly on EBs your 'revolution' kinda loses its authenticity.
  11. also you will make a clan of ankle biters
  12. I wana see how good OP is at fighting though
  13. Then you should of done it solo first before recruiting. And when the time comes where you made a name for yourself you can start recruiting. People follow leaders who lead by examples..
  14. Wow.. Sadly i had a clan i mightve give to someone for this... Then i saw op..

    Nah. I'll just HLBC and wreak my own havoc, thanks though OP

    And yes. I am a guild hansel for sys war and banking purposes :geek:
  15. Edit OP and put that in. Good answer. :)
  16. Out side water I think...
  17. Okay Thankyou
  18. We should take the revolution to WC in protest.