Support I like the interview and reporting idea maybe even with a "sports" (war) section I'll help if you want another reporter
Shut up woifie your name doesn't even have an l in it and as Balto has proven l is where it's at and not the letter I!!
I can say the same to you woLfLe You don't have a i in it, and we both know i comes first and i gets all the ladies
This idea has been tried at least 3 times that i can recall. Every single person who tried this gave up after just a few months. What you dont realize now is how much work it takes to put something like that together every month. Plus youll have to deal with people calling you biased and etc. Just let Phil do his thing. He seems to be doing this pretty well on reporting on things that matter.
Let me think...... NO. :roll: Learn one day please OP, you'll ruin forums with ******** threads like this.