KAW PVP Needs HELP!!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by nerds_play_kaw, Apr 16, 2019.

  1. Shut yo mouth boi, I spent 48 hours in your news and I get nothing back. You have no place even mentioning pvp. You're about to bring a world of misery on yourself!
  2. PURE EVIL was never destroyed you idiot. PURE EVIL could take on all of kaw if it wanted to and win. Y'all role play here not war
  3. War I'll put u first then as R.I.P.
    Pray to the kaw gods....
    You can stop shaking now.
    Fyi. U bad at PVP
  4. Did I say they were destroyed? I said they are rebuilding their reputation. A reputation most wont remember from the old days.

    Quit crying and go slap some people around instead. You’re embarrassing yourself

  5. Crying?????
    I'm trying to help PVP.....

    Smack your self PURE EVIL put the war kingdom at war. Without them this game will be called kingdom at bunnies lol.

    I can't believe kaw crying about PROMO lol
  6. Crying?????
    I'm trying to help PVP.....

    Smack your self PURE EVIL put the war kingdom at war. Without them this game will be called kingdom at bunnies lol.

    I can't believe kaw crying about PROMO lol

    I like Pure Evil, like what they’re doing and what they stand for, but you really need to get off their nuts. Right now they are nothing like they used to be and that’s fine, they’ll get back there again as long as they keep hitting.
    You however are not Pure Evil. You are a Whitney emotional child. Pvp is fine, a decent clan can pull off strips just fine. Your inability to hit people properly is a you problem