Anarchy, if he wasn't important to you, as you claim, then I doubt you'd have made this thread, or spent so much energy trash talking against him, calling him a moron, or "pot burning" as you call it (which serves what purpose besides wasting your own time?). If you don't plan to get your clan to strip farm him, which you claim your clan is not going to do because he is "irrelevant", then it would seem to me to be a complete waste of time, as you totally lack the funds to complete a strip on your own. So while in the OP you claim that he's trying to get his clan involved, to me it would appear that that's exactly what you're trying to do with this thread. If the fight really is just between you and him, I wouldn't see the point of you making this thread.
Thanks Nathan, I like assumptions too. I'm sure your input will valued somewhere (probably not) so go help someone else out. You should join the assumption club with tanked.
I'm not going to reply to this thread. It was taken out of context. You keep making up lies and whatnot and btw I wasn't trolling, maybe if you weren't an eb fairy you would hit back. Either way I'm done with the thread and you. I have better things to do. Oh and I'm not crying, or requesting a CF, I'm doing the reasonable thing and keeping this between you and me. If I was irrelevant and insignificant then why are you taking time to make a thread and constantly pot burn me? But these are just 'accusations' aren't they. Since you use that word so much that I'm starting to think you don't actually know what it means. Enjoy trash talking, I hope you can talk through newsfeed but I'm pretty sure you can't.
Between you and me, you mean ignoring my hits right? Nice English, you can at least pretend to have brain cells.
Elementary logic dictates that the burden of proof is on the party that poses a positive, not on the one who denies it. For example, I could state that on a planet a million light years away there are purple smurfs wearing mankinis. The fact you cannot prove me wrong doesn't mean my statement is valid. The burden is on me to prove this planet exists. Same goes for your statement. You have to prove they are literary professionals, not him.