KAW Newspaper

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by jamesbond-ed, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. Like how so? Pray tell, your bovine-ness confuses me lol.
  2. Like Ima do maybe a top 3 favorite comedic threads and explain why and maybe a favorite quote or something.
  3. I see. Makes sense.

    Well, then sign me up for a comedy segment.
  4. [colour=red]not in bb codes.[/colour]
  5. Ok thanks
  6. In BB codes, no. But in countries outside the USA, there's a u in colour.
  7. Willy used to occasionally do a weekly report on all things to do with kaw in a very comical fashion.

    I feel you would be ruining that fame by trying ti make your own, unless of course you somehow actually manage to make it better which I have doubts about considering you're not willy.
  8. I cannot support this
  9. Nice idea. Always cool to see new ideas on fourms. If need help I'm willing to help out, just pm me.
  10. Why?
  11. Look he is not currently doing one that is active at the moment so it doesn't really matter if its not as good it's just the fact that this type of content is out there for the kawmunity
  12. He never supports anything aside from 1D
  13. Devs don't care, why should you
  14. Thanks for letting me help^_^
  15. You cared enough for both with this post.
  16. Devs don't need to care,players do
  17. Once every Friday
  18. I'm gonna do once every Sunday if that's ok
  19. Needs more gossip.
  20. Roni kissed Moose. There.