KaW Newb Dictionary (New Addition)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Wakebuster, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. How do u know there was a old addition duh duh duhhhhhhhhhh
  2. Pinky - thanks :)

    Lol fiddler bumped it, that's how :p
  3. To be exact Pinky, you actually said "me likey". lol
  4. oh geesh, yeah i can be a bit sacrcastic at times and it go unnoticed, ;)
  5. Lol I was thanking you for dropping the dilly thread thing.
  6. i was meaning that toward jesus, @wake
  7. Ahaha okay, my bad
  8. This is awesome 
  9. This isn't 1/2 bad nice job
  10. I heard my name?
  11. DILLY!

    You only heard the voices in your head. o_O :?
  12. OMG even before i just searched this thread i was about to make a (drum roll) PANDA's Dictionary but "wake" went into the future and stole my idea then came back into the past. Theif lol.
  13. Noob*
    You should use a regular dictionary before making a new one :b
  14. Newb and noob are different terms. It appears your post doesnt only apply to Wake.
  15. @panda - lol sorry :p

    @casa - what señorita said  newb =/= noob.

    I appreciate all the feedback so far  both positive and negative. Thanks.