Players weren't exactly banned for the bunchies themselves, (although if I had a say in it they would be for Venoms reason), they were banned for incessantly posting them on every single thread, thereby spamming the hell out of them.
I was about to say, people got banned for spam, not content. Like if ten people posted nothing but bunchies on an unrelated thread.l
I think my favorite was the Llama one. That was killer. Oh and who remembers when the whole 1337 thing was being posted everywhere. One or two specific persons I think, but still seemed like it was everyone.
Oh my gosh... I miss Corinthian and J3acon @toast, you remember Nikki? Also the (I believe it was riri488) running away from home scandal?
Hi Arch. I think I've interacted with everyone you mentioned in the last few months. We're still "around." // I, too, remember the stampede of bunchies. They were ok, just a little obnoxious. Don't forget screenshots of the classic bunchie, Toast, but also the flashing rainbow ones. While bunchies were obnoxious, after a time, times, and half a time when they were gone, I did semi-miss them. // Honestly, TZ's "hangout" thread was I think the first. To be fair though, it was an extension of his ally chat, which was actually used, so it was ok. Probably, I would be ok with opening a hangout thread if my life would operate on a consistent schedule these days. // EDIT: Disregard my last statement. I see that someone has necrobumped an old Hangout thread with 4000+ posts. It's like looking up at the skies over London in modern times and suddenly seeing a Zepplin filled with Nazi Vampires ready to fall out of the sky and make ghouls out of the populace. I think I will pass. Yes, the Role-play community on the forums was a bit intense. It somewhat involved fan-fiction and including players in stories and spread from there, but there were / are also dedicated spontaneous RP groups for the sake of RP. I view them as supremely innocent when compared to the spawn that would have turned this 9 app into an adult dating-and-other-things app. More, they were not of the Off-Topic faction, nor the pillage-and-murder-for-murder, nor of the Valiant Knights and their armies, so I can understand the reasoning. // I actually have a fair number of comments about Toast's initial post itself, but I reckon I'll save those for private, as it primarily involves reading a screenshot one-way, then seeing the caption as another. Context is everything, and I read a lot of world chat as if I was scanning it for infractions //
I come back to this game every once in a while to read stuff like this, thanks for the 10 year old me nostalgia :^)
Belated here. Oh well. @Arch As mentioned several times, Nikki is still around. God, I completely forgot about riri and that whole drama. It took me a few tries to remember even after reading your comment. That was a multiweek endeavor, did we ever figure out if it was real? (God, I hated riri SO much :lol: she was a part of that rp group that, if you read previous comments, I loathed.) Man good times, I wonder if I have any ss of that? I wonder if there was a single thread of that that the c00l kidz didn't end up derailing. Aph, way to out somebody's modern alt .-. unless her new name is supposed to be common knowledge, we haven't chatted enough for me to know. In which case add a ;P face after @Alpacas, any time, dude. I'm just here now to make other people feel feels. And maybe make snarky comments in wc.
Benny was always cool enough one on one/in very small settings, but his public persona I couldn't stand. He grew up and partially out of that though, most of us did. Haven't seen him much lately but when I have it's been all right, people mature. King, in several years I will have been playing KaW for half of my life. Spooky, right?
Toast, are you saying you starting playing when you were 9(+)? :O Don't answer that, as that would be personal information ;-) . That said, it has been a time, times, and half a time, hasn't it?
Like most of us, he's pretty close, Cor. Seems like most of the old KaW players were pretty young. Just kids. Made for interesting times :lol:
Cor, that depends, did you read the OP where I stated my age four separate times? Also, I don't believe stating your age is against the ingame ToU now. They relaxed a lot of the "personal information" rules. Snoopy, I refer you part of my long comment on page two: Part of the rest of that comment was addressed to you, now I feel like you're ignoring me
I have a short term memory, but was more or less copying what you said and telling Cor. :3 Ily toast<3