KaW Memories (Part 1?)

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Toast, Nov 29, 2016.

  1. Is abyss not underwater? :(
  2. Do you have the SS of a mod(Benny?) silencing kaw?
  3. Noodle, I suppose I wouldn't know, I just unlocked it. But in that case, what the hell, devs?

    Meat--which time? This was not a singular occurrence. Off the top of my head I know I have at least one, but the same conditions I noted on page 1 to ashes apply. It'll be a bit at least.
  4. Also great thread as usual
  5. I used to have an SS of benny being permanently silenced

  6. I have some pics somewhere buried deep in my photobucket I think. Old forum stuff and the benny vs kaw silence war in wc.
  7. Kasama has.
  8. Hire me building forges!

    oh and TOAST 
  9. I'll go dig through my old Photobucket and dig up a photo of Corinthian's old username. It was sent to me in a pal group about 4 or 5 years ago due to my pc "burning up" and losing the pics.

    Third/Fourth Gen foruming was the group I came out of my shell in (started Forums around then). It was the greatest times of forums I think, asides from first gen. Second gen forumers were a bit weird IMO.
  10. There was a lot of fan fic in second gen yea...

    Bob you noob, I'll only volley you to 13b if you build mass stables.
  11. Ha! You'll dig up my old username? Which one? I had all kinds of usernames, especially after the player moderator thing took off while we tried to figure things out. Corinthian was the original, though, and it was quite a fun time getting it back after all of the tags and a few renames were done being cycled. Luckily, I tended to know those who had stolen it off and on.
  12. [​IMG]

    This actually came from a folder called "Sexy Pics from Sexy Toast" and I'm assuming that Toast is the proud supplier of this picture. :lol:
  13. What a bunch of old farts.
  14. Ah. Yep, that's a variant. I did rock that one for a while, and I think hansel at the time was the person who had stolen my username with an alt. I forget, but I distinctly remember getting trapped with a tag for a while because someone wanted to be obstinate just to be silly.

    @arkst, don't worry. Your irony does not go unappreciated ;-)
  15. @ashes, if I can find the email, I'll post it up. Met him in a "3rd party chat app" for osf/oaf openings and we had many discussions surrounding mechs over the years. I think I have his original Hansel build guide from Hams himself!
  16. Oh the castle myths  There was the code but that led to people saying it upgraded if you built only stables (Horsies! ️) or if you reset... i think the second one prompted the new silencing rule 

    Remember inactive farms? I had my lists handy at all times!
  17. My first 2 resets were built on inactives? Well, maybe a few oaf/osf openings too. Nobody wants to talk about pwars?
  18. Or the clan "castle code"? I think that's where poppa bear and iPro became legendary.
  19. Dude did you even read the posts?
  20. [​IMG]

    I found this <3 took me a very hard 3-5 minutes to find..