KaW Loading Screen Issue

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Living, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. Lol Unicorn keep your strange thoughts to yourself :)
  2. I also see people with inappropriate signatures on the forums..
    Like who in the right mind does that??

    Here is an example I found earlier.. I was shocked.

    Seriously though, I do agree with ya. Its not suitable for that age group and can do with numbing down that image.
  3. @DarkUnicorn
    I found a picture of her on the Internet a few years ago and used it for my ipod wallpaper until I grew up :mrgreen:
  4. Giving me ideas here!
    On my good 7inch (tablet screen size.. ;) ) it will be perfect!
  5. No support, some people already said what was about to say. Now if you excuse me I need to reload the game to look at some things...
  6. @Unicorn
    Yah I was a pretty hormonal kid a few years ago :mrgreen:
  7. Well if in a case a "9 year old" get ahold of this game he would be breaking the TOU. But if a 12 year old get the game then he would not be breaking the TOU. So in reality there should be a 9 year old kid play this game unless parent approval. :shocked:
  8. Fail BB Code :lol:
    Its this: :shock : :shock:
    ^ without spaces
  9. I know I saw another person do :shocked: spin wanted to do it :laugh: [size=epic] I know that isn't a bbcode too it's :lol: [/fail] ;)
  10. Lol I love your name too :lol:
  11. Support there should be less clothes on her good idea
  12. ^ :lol:
    I like this kid
  13. All in favor of nekked cover girl for kaw ?
  14. Should've been naked