Kaw Isn't a War Game Anymore

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IxXxl___xREDx_xPANDAx___IxXxl, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Wtf is with people and 1v1 nowadays? I find the idea stupid. What glory is there in defeating someone in 1v1? Like I can see clans warring, or one person vs a clan, but 1v1?
  2. No its a game where people complain about it not being a war game anymore.
  3. Kingdoms at complain its not a war game while they do epic battles*
  4. I only do ebs because there is like NO clans who war anymore. If they got rid if ebs altogether I would support it, less wimps, less ads, and MORE FUN!!
  5. Beast of you can't find a war clan you aren't trying. 7-envy-7 is accepting applicants.
  6. Even though they are an eb clan, they're mains war quite a but.
  7. @Beast just join O C U L U S or WoF or LR or Ad Mortem. There are quite a few good osw clans.
  8. One does not simply, join LR.
  9. Listen to Devil Beast. 7DS family is great. I was part of MARTYRS till we merged to 7-lust-7 i soon left after that. But they're a great bunch. Also in all fairness that guy totally looked like a brand new player, that's why he didn't know what osw stood for.
  10. I did with letalis regnum, all I did was get interviewed and I was accepted.
  11. can i join LR xD
  12. Ah you mean the sub. I'm talking bout the main. Could try regulator academy to
  13. OP ur pretty nooby yourself requiring an apology thread lmao back in the day fighting was normal and the only way to make money. Now here u are whining about the lack of war and crap yet you would probably be whining if KaW did not update itself. Now, u can throw up your hands and make a pissy thread like this complaining about how the game is and not accept you have a hand in how the game is played, being a player and all... OR you can ******* farm fight strip and have fun.

    I'm sick of noobs pissing and moaning over how the game has changed. In reality, it's up to the player to play the way he/she chooses. You can spam growth or destroy and create chaos. I've been at this almost 900 days and look at my build. You don't see me whining about a lack of fighting or war do u? No cuz I have always played in a way that invites it from all directions.

    Be the change you wana see and s t f u!
  14. OSW = Out of System War
    CF = Cease Fire

    I'm a smart newbie :D
  15. I thought it was off system.

    I mean, they are the same idea. But I never heard of it as out of system
  16. That funny. I got a wall post from someone saying "stop hitting me! That's y devs make ebs so people stop fighting! -.-"
  17. I wouldnt call apology threads nooby. Humiliating your opponent is much more satisfying than just farming him. Thinking of it as kicking his ass mentally and physically
  18. Ehhh that's what my friend told me it meant. He played in 09 in iG I believe. He told me to try it and here I am, 3 years later :D