KAW is dying (Solution / Banter)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by llIlII_Daddys-Princess_llIIlI, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. I like the reset idea, but no way can the devs do that to people that have spent hard earned money on building there kingdoms ( not me, I'm a tight ass) how about a parallel kaw. A new world that is for restarts and newbies but also real kaw continues ?
  2. Does anyone remember that idea to make another app dubbed "kaw Classic"? The idea is that it had none of the ******** the devs added in the past 3.5 years, including ebs, equips, dumbass events ect.

    That was going to happen for SURE LOL
  3. It was a computer program name KaW: Conquest. It failed miserably.
  4. FC or GAW was kinda like a kaw classic, right?

    Im on Android so i dont know.
  5. I heard they introduced EBs in gaw at some point before it died
  6. Mass reset? Nah but HTE 100% plunder? Yes
  7. No support 4 a mass reset... If they did... Ill call it quits and go back 2 playing COC...
  8. Yeeaaah....

    100% hte? Why not 200%, or 300%?
    Hell, lets stop low balling this and get a 500% * nitro /cruise control!

    We should all be build complete and top 50 lb anyhow, right? Like everyone should be lb, ya know!

    Wait, isnt that one of the biggest issues with kaw? People who dont realize that making more gold only gives you an advantage when its "only you" getting it...
  9. The trick isn't to do a reset but to add events and bonuses for new players making it much much faster for them to catch up to established players. That way people who spent money will get less upset. Then you just continuously add new stuff for veterans to keep them entertained but to keep their progression slow so they want to spend money while allowing new players a chance to catch up to all but the cutting edge veterans who've spent money.
  10. Ahh, but there is a problem also in the idea you offered.

    Should a player that has 3-5 years of consistent playing, and possibly regularly spent, be excluded in events and have there growth restricted only so new players can "catch" up?

    I would love to have the opportunity to catch up with them, but thats even more unfair to them.

    The race for stats is the mind set that most players seem set to accomplish. I think its important but what are all them players planning to do with the stats?

    Most of the stats in this game are never actually used. To hit bigger ebs to buy more stats isnt a reasonable explanation for all the effort and real cash spent.

    Eh... Its their choice though.
  11. I have an old inaccessible alt in an inactive clan called "KaW Throwback". This was their goal.
  12. Reset everyone. I approve 
  13. I've invested a lot of time and money over last 6 years and would be totally po'd if my account was reset
  14. Last 6years with a 4yr badge. Seems legit.
  15. 1And4 supported
  16. im on the fence with this one.

    firstly, i dont feel like kaw is dying at all, theres loads going on you just gotta find the people that are actively doing things and not the lazy boys doing nothing.

    However, I don't feel that's your problem with the system, your problem is that there isn't enough average middle ground player promotions yet there are many promotions that highly favour the players that are stronger and probably spend more regularly on the game.

    Assuming that summary is correct, I'd say that the solution is quite simple...

    Rather than having the whole pay to win being a hidden thing, why not just make it really obvious. I know it's been stated before a few months ago but why not have like kaw official membership that you pay for that gives you weekly nobs, bonus speakers, bonus seals etc for a much discounted price like other pay to win games do.

    I mean, you can still play freely in these games just those that are official kaw members get exclussive content right? I mean, the free to players are always going to complain that there's not eonugh promotions, or, more just the ones that dont want to spend 1k a month on kaw.

    And the people that do spend 1k a month on kaw, probably dont really care but might find it more convienent if they could get it cheaper.

    Perhaps the perfect middle ground would just be this kaw membership for free nobs, seals, speakers etc for a monthly fee that is discounted in comparision to regular pricing?
  17. Kaw pay to play nenbership in order to participate in hte clans and indi wars
  18. Mass reset sounds perfect. Kinda like madden did, they gave you rewards based on how far you were into the game. Hence for every land you unlocked like maybe 80 nobility. Would make game explode with activity...

  19. As I stated before the only people who should even be considered listening too if they want a mass reset should be atleast 50mcs+ with atleast 1-5k into the game
  20. *Facepalms*
    200 nobs per 1m cs???
    With new newb bonus (All ll unlocked) 200 nobs is 3 seals. 3 seals in hte clan = much more cs. Much more cs means way more nobs. Endless circle of exploiting. Problem... :ugeek: