Mass resets. Hmm lets see. I purchased X amount for this account. I paid for this account and yada yada from many players Add a few lawyers. = Ata bankrupt, kaw dead. Do you think everyone that's spent will roll over and accept their money being stolen from them. Ata has lost a lawsuit over property ownership rights before concerning kingdoms. Players who have invested money have made a purchase. Denying them the access to that purchased product is guess what. Against the law. Ata cannot do it. So yes the game is pay to grow ( though with new ebs when you can hit them that's not so much the case ) And pay to win events that suck. But forced reset, you would seriously drive out pretty much every player and destroy kaw in one fell swoop.
Ps if in 4 you imply that anyone hitting a real player rather than eb would gain max plunder for that action? What would be the point of strips or even allies in osw ? How do you hurt an enemy through a strip of they don't even need allies to stay at max plunder? All they need to do is offload bank and sleep tight. Dreadful idea.
Can I have a link to this please? Sounds interesting. As far as I was aware, you're paying for the use of such kingdoms and the kingdoms and everything in them belong to ata, regardless of any upgrades you make.
Everyone saying the game is dying needs to leave the game it's not dying it's going to last a lot longer so quit your complaining about it dying and go back to being fairies
Your suggestions are going to kill the game, not p2w, are you sure you can even play this game, it's 9+ and you sound like you're 7
Unless you're over 50mcs and put over 1k into the game you can't ask for a mass reset Seening a 5mcs acct ask the devs to reset 150mcs makes me laugh
I see in history you have no problem hitting HTE. FAIRY! Shut your trap already. Everybody hits EBs now. Even people in osw. It's the quickest way of making gold. You are pretty stupid if you don't think KaW is dying. Maybe not as fast as op is saying but yes it is dying.
Seeing someone say they couldn't make 5k items needed for event in a b2b HTE clan makes me laugh. You must suck pretty bad
I only get 12 items per unload Also you must be pretty bad that you need more static def stats than attack stats
That's not really relavent. The only reason I have mith gloves is because of events. Some people just don't have time to war at the war toms that never change.
Are u just stupid or something... A mass reset really? U must be an idiot... I mean ur in ig u must be