KAW is dying (Solution / Banter)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by llIlII_Daddys-Princess_llIIlI, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. You are getting ahead of yourself there lol, I wouldn't be so sure about thousands and thousands, well depends what you mean. However there was a point when this game was thriving, I would like to say over 10K daily users. Now? Events barely have 3k people who participate. Notice how slower wc is? Much less ads? Hundreds of clans have just died. Sure maybe 2-3k accounts log on, but how many are alts? At least 25-30%.
  2. From where I've placed in events, it's well over 3k.
  3. And didn't we try to complain ads out of existence? I definitely won't deny a smaller player base. But this game on its deathbed? No.
  4. Give me a #

    I myself have 6 alts, 2 of them barely got 200 loaf and it really wasn't that many people.
  5. My 5k account, which was quite active in HTE, and PvP, placed around ~1000. This account has done moderate PvP, moderate HTE, and placed ~4k. And while I haven't done the best, I've not done near the worst either, there are at least a few below me.

    *Though, again, the absinthe tends to impair the mental faculties. I could be way off, but I don't think so...
  6. Okay so I was off by about 1k let's say, and most of those all the way at the bottom are alts people rarely log into, anyone that is really active in the game got over 5k loaf that last event, or near that much. Just think about it, how many people have at least 2-3 alts and maybe just hit an eb or a few people to get a few loafs? This game might not die this year but it it will probably before it hits that 7 year mark. Activity is going way down.
  7. Also, they only have about 2-3 people currently working on KAW. All the others are busy making the new game or on the teams for the other games.
  8. I say it'll coast into Year Seven, year 8 will be a struggle. Might be better if the devs did something.. Like advertising.
  9. I like how people claim the game is dying but it's based on no substantial proof.
    Kaw has been in top 200 grossing for 6 years. That's not easy.

    The game is doing well. Does it need a few fixes? Yes.

    Has it changed over the years? Yes! So many things have been added and changed.

    Just cause things aren't the way it was in 2010, doesn't mean it's dying. I remember when EB's came out, OSW clans would try and distance themselves from it. Over time the smart ones understood it's an easier way to make strip funds and be more efficient in the OSW.

    Thes ones that stuck to 2010 tactics have declined or died out.

    Simple. Adapt to survive.
  10. Support. Try a beta mass-reset where everyone gets reset to 0 for about a month.

    Everyone tries to get big with events that don't require money, and however big you get by the time the month ends, you get a bonus on your actual account.

  11. Kaw generates 10k USD on a daily basis with 113k logins daily. Most recently with the anniversary promo Kaw jumped back into the top 100 grossing apps for the weekend. Currently sits in top 150
  12. Top 150 only!?

    Omigud. That is so bad. This game is definitely dead then. :roll:

    Honestly. It's annoying when people jump on to the "This game is dying" bandwagon.
    Most of them usually don't put any money into their accounts and don't like the gap between the non payers and the paying players. Hence the whining. I've noticed that most of people that complain about the game being dead are players who don't really spend anything on it. I belive it's all a matter of perspective. I see thousands of players at my level who are active, growing and putting money into this game.

    (I used to be there too.) I used to get riled up that I wasn't growing as fast as the paying members when I was a non paying player.
    I was one for almost 2 years. Just got out of Uni and got a job recently. :lol:

    Bottom line. Regardless of how much you spend on KaW or nothing at all, there will always be players at your level to compete with and have fun.

    Kaw has always had a small player base. Never more than 100k accounts active at a time. That's mainly due the developers ineptitude to not advertise or put the game out there. Why they choose not to work on that baffles me.

    Heck clash of clans used to be an unknown game when it game out and was for a few months after it too. The main reason it's so popular now is due to their advertising campaign. I've seen their ads on apps and YouTube and so on. Heck. Time square had them up for a day.

    Their devs make sure to release updates every two months with new features and improvements. They listen to their players and work on the most requested desired and reasonable features.

    Kaw would get a lot better if our devs took the time to do that. To listen to the players and update the app accordingly. Maybe a new platform system of graphics?
    5 seasons and our war system is still full of kinks. Oh well. That's another matter. :lol:
  13. What exactly are we suppose to be adapting to? The problem is we don't have enough players, we aren't getting enough new players, not enough people actually playing the game.

    Here's an example from the interview

    "This gave us a very strong social layer within our games, so we have extremely strong game communities. So, even when people run out of things to do in our game, they log-in just to hang out with their friends. This core group of friends serves as a force multiplier for things like engagement, and with greater engagement comes greater monetization."
  14. Because how much money you spend = an active game. This game is half as active that it was when I played two years ago.
  15. That interview is from 4 years ago when KaW was a top grossing app.
  16. Awe damn this is true even Christian mingle has passed it now.
  17. I have read that interview before and don't think it's very recent.

    Like I said in my previous post. The main problem with kaw is that the devs aren't doing anything. They don't seem to listen to the community.

    Why hasn't kaw advertised!? I don't mean in kaw advertisements. But on other apps. Google play store ads. YouTube. Analytics.
    Anything to prevent the app from fading into oblivion. There are so many ways to advertise. They should take a page out of the clash of clans advertising campaign.
    Heck I still see clash banner ads on various noob apps that I happen to install.

    There are so many ways to get new players.
    Yet they choose to not do anything.
  18. I'm a relatively new player, I've grown and enjoyed all aspects of that journey.
    There will always be people who have more, so what!
    I love the game.
    The only change should be HTE. Shorten the time, two hours and make it a special occasion eb, Accomplishment eb you get after completing an alternative eb. Having a continuous HTE is detrimental to other ebS.
  19. Through the last event I hopped around ALOT. Mainly to bl scrag eb clans. I can tell you now that there was alot of active players tht didn't make 5k. Making 5k was easy in a b2b hte clan, harder in others and best on impossible in a mid level eb clan
  20. Based off of that last event. My other account placed around 10k. So there is at least ten thousand active accounts on the game.