KaW International Paper

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by NHL, Jul 31, 2010.

  1. Thx can I eventually work myself up to management?
  2. Umm I think so I'll ask summer 
  3. Thx how long will it take
  4. Idk summer hasn't been on today
  5. I want to advertise Army of Anubis as a recruiting clan with 150k stats requirement.
  6. Recent News: IG has claimed #1 on LBs, while last #1 ZAFT-Destiny is now #4, and long time #1 ZAFT is now #2.That's it for now see you later!
  7. I'll do recent events, or like famous people or w.e.
  8. Right it's gandalf I'm gonna interview lrddarius on the state of foxes
  9. Doesn't look likely with lrddarius but I have bastion on write co
  10. Are there anymore spots?? id love to join this is so cool 
  11. Can I help out? :eek:
    Like be the advertiser or something?
  12. I mustve pressed the wrong button...