Maybe he could be a person who proves people Wong and right like takes pics of the scene and shoves up to prove people wrong
Breaking news: someone has finaly challenged ZAFT to war it is the might lC!!!! With 16:42:10 left lC is trailing ZAFT 25,386,024 to 36,018,560. It's the closest ZAFT war I've ever seen! Breaking news and war news reporter Sam reporting out!
Breaking news: someone has finaly challenged ZAFT to war it is the might lC!!!! With 16:42:10 left lC is trailing ZAFT 25,386,024 to 36,018,560. It's the closest ZAFT war I've ever seen! Breaking news and war news reporter Sam reporting out!
IC is holding their own. Their seemed to be bets placed between D2A2(D2A) alt and iLoL. Now only time will tell if zaft will have their first loss ever
Recent news:ZAFT-Destiny has claimed #1 position on LBs, while last #1 deadly fate now 4th, also long time #1 ZAFT is now 3rd.Breaking News, War news, Recent News reporter Sam reporting out