kaw hitting mechanics

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by SkinnyMinny, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. So now let's see. You want people to leave gold out run their troops down just so they can hit?

    And you call that winning?

    Please do tell how it's winning when one fails most attacks and loses more gold than they force their opponent to lose.

    God people's ideas of winning on here is whatever scenario they happen to be in.

    Ass is it my fault that roni decided to hit a bigger build because she was butthurt over her friend insulting someone ?

    Nope. Is it my fault she chooses to spend all day throwing away her troops. Sitting behind a screen and wasting her resources on here?

    Try and think about it before you post.

    I've already stated multiple times I barely hit her.
    There is little point.
    I don't need to do anything. She does it all to herself.

    I literally have to hit the eb full offload and let them hit me when I'm empty. Just to keep them interested.

    Now you'll have to excuse me not wasting my life on here. I hnr whenever I feel.
    If and its a big if. Roni or skinny are up yeah I'll hit them for lols.
    My jobs done. They farm themselves 90% of the time.
    That's their loss. Not mine.

    Do I bank?

    Always have always will. I have a big mouth on forums. I take hits. Boo boo. It's a war game. That's the point.

    When you have to hide from hits where's the fun, the challenge, the danger.

    There is nothing but a no lifer coward at the other side of the screen.
    That's my issue with skinny and roni as she chose to get involved.

    Their choice. Now I'm going to hnr for as many months or years as I like.
    It's a game. Not a life for me.
    Hits in and out are fun. And there in lies the rub.

    You can't beat someone that doesn't care.

    And skinny and roni definitely care far too much that they need to cower from inc.
    so as I've said. We've had the pure spy build called gutless in the past by Alison.
    So now she has created the true coward drop build.
    Let's applaud her. And show her the respect it warrants.

    Which is none.

    Now roni all you have pointed out about screenshots is not that I lied. It's that I posted a large batch from my album. It's not my fault that you fail so much. That's on you.

    Don't like it. Grow up.
    And a ps applause. Congrats after skinny offloading for once. After my having offloaded on eb as announced in here. You actually managed about 8-10 successful actions.

    Applause indeed. Now if only you were half as good as you think you are.

    This tapping buttons malarkey certainly is brain taxing stuff. And I'm sure that was a real accomplishment for you. 
  2. So, question... What exactly is the big deal about being dtw? Ebs give more gold than most PvP, so what's the point in wasting troops hitting back? Is this some kind of pride thing? Someone please explain this to me... Oh, and I'm assuming at least one person will call me a noob. Yes I am a noob, I've only participated in 2 osws, and a few wars, that's it. Oh, and occasionally returned hits.
  3. Just to prove another point. Even though I had to dump my troops and announce on here that I had done so, and tell you when to hit me and keep hitting.
    Here are your hundreds of wins. And even more fails.
    God the fails are so boring.

    Oh look. I come back on to full troops oh dear. And with gold out.
    Such a shocking development.

    Sorry it took me what 2-3 hits on an eb to replace what you managed to take after allowing me to regen.

    And if you could see a fault with pvp. That would be it. Maybe one day you will realise that's why your idea of gameplay and how to farm are now obsolete. Just like you.

    And roni. If you are going to accuse someone of starting something by insulting your friend.
    Check your facts. I told you were to find them.
    But don't believe the screenshot. It's all lies.

    First shots fired by 
    Well Oh My God. You are proved wrong again.
    Don't you ever get sick of that?
  4. i just sent all the screenshots now .will be putting them all up shortly. just have to get the codes and you will get exposed in all your lies optimal wally
  5. The last 40 pages 
  6. dindumoron you aint even funny naois of treasure isle is my old owner and friend i will be telling him what you are writting here
  7. lol please no more SS of nf 
  8. all optimal defect does is paste doubles from previous days.
  9. When optional grows a little older, he may learn that sometimes in life you can say more by saying less.
  10. ...my thumb is getting tired :(
  11. optimal defect dtw and screenshotted
  12. how many more people are you gonner cry to for support lol the slimey full time liar knows hes about to be exposed so trying to rally in a back up team .
  13. Okay. Glad to see you're getting closer to posting something to back up your claims. Looking forward to it. In the meantime why don't you try to grow out of name calling. Or at least get creative with it.
  14. dindumoron dont even try talk down to me on your 1 year old badge .all you are is hte stats . everybody knows ive been playing kaw 4 years this april. this aint my first account.
  15. any that you want to see them as singles ill try get them up tomorrow. as you can see the wins are all one after the other.
  16. Wow. 11 wins. Congrats. That ranks in the hundreds like you said.
    I'm so sorry I posted literally hundreds of your fails.
    Now please post more pics. Now don't copy the same wins with dated time stamps 
    I'm sure you would love to be able to edit if you could. Could you also post them one at a time large enough to see them. That would help.
  17. I don't have to try. It comes quite naturally.