its 3.05pm in the afternoon in u.k .optimal is from uk hes pasting old screenshots . hes put one that the time is 4pm
keep on pasting old screenshots from days ago.That shows you cant show any todays ones because you are getting beat.
and you are dtw right now. i had to hit another enemy instead.Keep cowering optimal wally .You are witnessing the turning of the tide. You should never insult people and lie about them because you are in decline right now.and your lies are falling apart as well .Using old screenshots when the times dont match .
Dear how many items show in news feed? Now think about it. I ss and bulk post. These aren't all from today. In no time or place did I. I left the times on to show what and when you do. Now if you have successfully attacked me please post the ss. The couple shown are the ones you got. I'm sorry you think you are wonderful. I'm sorry I only have ss showing very little of anything ( except fails ). I am sorry you are too stupid to realise that your "friend" started this and has now dumped you in it. Looking like an idiot. I'm sorry that you're so stupid that you cry when your opponent is dtw and then brag when you are. And that your "friend" needs to hide behind a mech with an ankle biter build too scared to hit or get hit. Now I have emptied troops on eb. As no surprise you are glued to your screen. And dtw. So if you try hard and wait a little while. You may get a few success that you can brag about trying to claim relevance. Somehow though. Considering your incompetence. You'll just continue that highly profitable venture of yours and farm yourself of all your units and gold. Hate to break this to you, the point of farming someone. Is to do more damage to them, than to yourself. Unless your just obsessed with them. And heck I can see why you would be. Thanks to you and skinny I must seem like the be all and end all of kaw to you. Shame it's just to you. I enjoyed my anonymity while it lasted. But thanks for letting me borrow the spotlight. Now as that was tldr for your poor brain. Next response to you will be in the continued form of meme. Hopefully you can read and understand them. If not. I'm sure others might enjoy them. And laughing at you.
Just because she cried they weren't all from today. One has to post the most recent so called incoming. Remember according to roni it's all successful. And I'm the liar. Those ones may be duplicated below without the writing. I lost track I have so many ss of fails. But what's a fail here or there right Oh yeah everything when you claim you aren't failing YAWN I thought we had had that conversation. Facepalm Help help I'm bankrupt. Trying to understand roni's logic. Ps that's not including last 20 minutes. I'd add those too but even more fails. I'm sure you get the picture Everyone aside from roni does.
If its 3:05pm in the UK why does your post of forums say its 4:07pm? Just so its clearer Obviously it may have taken you over an hour to write those few lines *Cue the Couls is 'Optional Wallys' alt post*
keep your lies up moron .thats all you can do . and you not putting any screenshots of my victorys and been getting battered.what a slimey creep you are but any body with a brain can figure out how you are selectively only pasting the fails before your defence potions crack.
Why don't you post pictures of your victories? Is it the same reason I don't post pictures of all the unicorns and yetis that I've seen?
Fair enough roni Wasnt calling you a liar was just confused about the old time switchero I saw a unicorn once then realised it was a drunk donkey with a party hat on
You do! Great! I my self have over 900TB of unique yeti and unicorn photos. 100% undeniable unaltered proof of their excistence. Having said that I expect you to believe in unicorns and yetis now. Because after all I have proof.
Roni is fighting and optimal already posted her winning. Lolol he had to bank, sissy. What? U wanna get hit or something? Roni is out of ur range. I can provide though.
Dont think roni is. Why dont you keep going. My safe word is bacon. Edit: and I still don't see this supposed flood of wins