wolfie got battered by me in the end so another butthurt moron .They act all big behind their defence potions .They show all the fails of screenshots but soon shut up when them defence potions crumble and they are left wide open . and wolfie noone stalks you.you got so obsessed with me that you rang me 3 times for a hour each time. wolfie is just a osw runner when crackdown was in osw with blackhand he went " inactive " !!! yet look how active he is now.
By battered do you mean 3-5 months of your fails only to find you made so many people mad during our romantic love, you became dtw 24/7 ? I still think it's funny you attacked people and expected them not to hit you, because we was as you called it 1v1 biting off more than you can chew babe
this comment is the comment of a coward .The other day randomly -Silent--SE attacked me. his account is massive stats .He could hit me and surprisingly i could hit him also. So you are a complete liar u_k_Ow__ .you can easily hit me but you are too scared too. Thats if the big n bad main account even exists
wolfie cryed to 3 people to help him attack me .nobblerBunny , LoDeath and riddler .and i fighted wolfie for over a year. you got took down wolfie but keep your lies up . even irish saw how you ran as soon as i burned your defence potions .you went " inactive " for 3 months .
and i am fighting a clan with someone who is 50mcs on army. i hit him lots so do stop your lies u_k .There is noone else hit me now
And let's forget the fact that you verbally insulted all 3 then hit them all, but hey just blame all your misfortunes on someone else :lol:
Alison just another farm? Really then why were you so upset posting on other threads about your butthurt with me? I'm just containing it to one thread. Ronald you are too dumb to explain anything to. If your going to try and throw someone's words back at them. Please do it in a way the makes you look clever. You are looking sadder by the second. Now the why do post on here and who I am trying to impress? Impress no one. I'm just giving you an opportunity to express your stupidity to the community. Something you are doing very well. Skinny has proven his cowardice totally. Wah wah just a war game. But I'm so scared of playing it I take one incoming action I have to drop build. Yeah hero of kaw there. Or maybe pathetic loser is more accurate. Roni so dumb, she wants everyone to be up and available for her to hit ( fail on ) whilst being a total hypocrite and hiding behind pin scared of being hit. No better than skinny. And you wonder why everyone on here hate you? How many people are rushing to your defence here? I must be missing all the love you two warrant. Because all I see is two butthurt hateful cowards that try to validate their lives by " bullying " others they think can do nothing to them. You want to know if I'm butthurt by you. No dears. But what I am is disgusted that idiots like you destroy this game for others. Hiding behind coward mechs trying to force other players to quit the game for your amusement. So I'll be here for the rest of your kawreer to put you in your place. Get used to being irrelevant. And get used to being the butt of every joke. It suits you.
wot. i dont even post anymore, i just enjoy optimals posts wait skinny took me down? a fail strip and constant sbs isnt "taking down"
@ optional. You're wrong. I don't want anyone to quit the game. I just like hitting you to watch you write an essay about it. You're the funniest noob I've ever met.
I love watching some idiot bogged down against fairyfloss. No pots. No allies. No nothing. If you don't hit it. It will hit you. Either way is good.
dont even bother trying to label me a bully because i am the complete opposite. i've left many clans to defend people who were being bullyied .That comment there shows how we are grinding optimal wally up .he feels we are bullying him yet he was the one who insulted started first. ha your lies are crumbleing minite by minite the more angry and butthurt you are getting.
Fairyfloss is also permanently silenced and permanently forum banned. It does have almost 60 x-tals from quests and those freebies. So. Yeah. It will x-tal on you that's for sure.
You've used two xtals on me LOL I hit you on skinny and you pinned me with two accounts while I was under 50%, <clap><clap>
Do I matter to you that much? Sorry Alison I have someone else in mind, don't take it to harshly. I'm sure there'll be a rat out there somewhere which wants you.
You don't matter stank. Not one bit. That's exactly why fairyfloss will always hit you. You rank very low. Sorry