KaW Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Majestyi, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. @ thread owner

    size only works between 20-200 not 1-200.
  2. like this? Thanks benny
  3. no size 1-20 work u just cant see them just like color=white
  4. :D
  5. no offense op, but starters dont check forums :roll:
    only started checking forums when i had 3mil CS :lol:
  6. [colour=blue] hi [/colour]
  7. Why would you bump this you idiot?
  8. Bump
    (new on KaW, gonna read this after coming back from another game )
  9. nice thread but there are already many other threads with this info
  10. I thaught clans was 25 bil
  11. This guide was made over a year ago.

    Back then clans were 3 billion.

    Today they are priced at 25 billion.
  12. Haven't done BB codes in forever
  13. It's a good thread , short and simple
  14. [colour=yellow]testing[/colour]
  15. Omg I posted on this guide before!