KaW Girl

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GriMzZy_TDT, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Oh. Well I guess fan faction somewhat counts. I was thinking more along official lines though.
  2. Fan fiction doesn't count!!!! Even if it is old school historic Kaw fan fiction ๎„…
  3. Eh, it was done by two mods. Its official enough for me. :p

  4. Nuff said
  5. PRIME.. Do you have her poster in your bedroom or what?๎„…
  6. Oh man, I'm pretty sure that's the only reason I ever downloaded this app
  7. Mods come and go. Look at Corinthian.
  8. Where's frog and his pastes when u need him lol
  9. I had no idea about Benny made a fan fiction thread for the KaW girl :lol: but yeah I was wondering if devs were to say some official storyline about her
  10. Wow, nice find! :)
  11. It does๎’