Best Ways to Grow Using Epic Battles ~ Calydor the Boar Players who grow fast find Epic Battles that pay well and identify ones that suit where they are in the game. The reality is: some Epic Battles pay much better than others and provide much better payout. In every series of Epic Battles there are ways to make more money than on others. For players under 25,000 attack and under 1,800 spy attack, I suggest sticking to Calydor the Boar EBs. Examining Calydor the Boar EBs: There are five Epic Battles, each with strengths and weaknesses but only three are advantageous for new players to really be playing and grow on. All three offer an opportunity to use items and that provides an opportunity for obscene amounts of gold. The three are: Cover of Night, To the Chamber, and The Depraved. When you examine those three there are still a further divide. Cover of Night does not allow you to attack at all, greatly limiting how much gold you can make. Therefore, To The Chamber and The Depraved are superior to all the other Calydor the Boar EBs for making gold. But you have to be there for the Item phase. That requires you to pay attention. If you do not pay attention, then you are going to lose an opportunity often in this game to make lots of gold.
Best Ways to Grow Using Epic Battles ~ Z'uthmerak of Despair (Squid) When you examine the Squid Epic Battles you are faced with tougher battles that provide different challenges and more opportunities for larger amounts of gold. In these Epic Battles, The Forgotten Ones and The Reckoning both have items you can use. They stand head and shoulders above The Despair and The Awakening in making gold. I recommend these for players under 50,000 attack or 3,600 spy attack. Your build will affect between The Forgotten Ones and The Reckoning is more advantageous to you. Many new players try to balance their stats. For players with high spy stats TFO (The Forgotten Ones) provides you with an option to steal which can make you a great deal in addition to the items. The Reckoning is great for people who are willing to watch the items. I have watched new players make 300 million gold on their second day doing The Reckoning. Both The Forgotten Ones and The Reckoning are great Epic Battles to make gold on (and the Reckoning also provides equipment) and any long-time player does not mind spending some time working on them at early stages.
Best Ways to Grow Using Epic Battles ~ Usaris the Troll King These series of Epic Battles are a huge step up in difficulty from the previous. The first two, Abandoned Kingdom and Foreign Territories are pretty easy. The gold you receive is not too much more per attack from The Forgotten Ones or The Reckoning for Abandoned Kingdom but Foreign Territories is all scouting. Now Battle Royale and Origins are at a totally different plane. I recommend players be above 50,000 attack and 5,000 spy attack to be taking on either of them and ideally 100,000 attack is better. Both Battle Royale and Origins have items and can provide a lot of gold. In particular, Origins can be a huge gold producer and it provides items. Again, I would not waste time looking for any Troll Epic Battles except for Battle Royale and Origins and actually would recommend Origins be the real focus.
Best Ways to Grow Using Epic Battles ~ Thorak the Destroyer Welcome to a great series of Epic Battles. These get played all over and are enjoyed even by top level war clans. Hansels will tell you that Ambush is a great Epic Battle while others speak highly of some of the others. The truth is: four great Epic Battles here that can all earn you money. Of the four, the best one for gold is Ambush. New players are often able to hit it and the gold payout is wonderful. It is not unusual for War Clans to do Ambush for their Hansels. Some Hansels I know tell me about making 50 million per steal on Ambush but I've found even a player with spy stats under 500K can earn 20 million per steal there ~ that is not bad. The equipment for No Man's Land is worth pursuing. Adding 3 Million to every attack is an incredibly beneficial Equipment but No Man's Land is STINGY with its payout. I have many times talked with players who played it 50 times and did not get their Leonine Arm Plate. Myself, it took me three or four tries, but I am super involved when I play No Man's Land. I attack every hour on the hour and fully unload. Destroyer offers equipment and potions. Neither are things experienced players avoid noticing. Sufficient to say, all four of these Epic Battles should be played more than once. I recommend player wait until they are over 100,000 attack or 25,000 spy attack to take these on. Although for Ambush, a player with 50,000 attack can often get some successful hits in and spy attacks in with full troops.
I'm all messed up...I don't even know how many of you guys have posted are killing me :lol: