KAW Fan Fiction Awards Summer 2010 Nominations

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Starwars6374, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. All of your shared story's writer are nominated for author now
  2. I would prefer if you don't post many more series or Authors. Those 2 categories are already at over 10, but you may still submit
  3. Arimay footprint in the sand
  4. Can I nominate my story? Silent ranger
  5. Ok, I got that already.

    Any more categories you guys want to add? With current numbers I'll start the eliminations for some categories tommorow, around 24hours after original post.
  6. Silent Ranger added.
  7. What about my story World of War
  8. U can hav a war,futuristic, and fantasy categories if that helps
  9. Current Submitted Stories/Series are:

    Battle Camp
    No Longer Human
    To Raze or Save
    The Maid of Ycha
    Rise of the Minor Gods
    Operation Storm
    World at War
    Footprints in the Sand
    L'malar Whole Kestal
    Dragon Tale
    Silent Ranger
  10. The genres would work, but many are the same category of those.
  11. This was a good idea.

    May I suggest a catigory for the best character(s)?
  12. Best story: Endgame
    best author: iZaln
  13. *endgame is written by seth73
  14. Am I a good writer?
  15. Good idea Irin, and your vote is entered.

    NEW CATEGORY: Best Character
    Entry Format: Character name, story name, author name

    Deadline is Sept 8th, 2010 at 3:30pm EST (24 hours after or
  16. Keyboard messed up. The Deadline is 24 hours after original post. Submit Characters too now!
  17. Gnath of Ycha. Story- The Maid of Ycha. author- ME!!! Lol
  18. Try and nominate within the next 30min-1hour, as after that I can't update until after the deadline.
  19. Best author: colonial
    Best story: battle armageddon (which I'm working on finding)
    Best series: idk
  20. The conqueress
    By conqueress (now jessica dove)