KAW: Expansion - Multi-map Update!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Mar 11, 2011.

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  1. Why still no Achivment Bonuses When will we be getting them
  2. So no one can answer where this rival clan thing is? Just curious. All that will happen is find an equal clan.....then merc but eh? Thats whats always happened.

    The Mort
  3. It seems like a great update to me with many new challenges to complete it. I'll have to figure out how everything works tho
  4. It's a depressing update....new players will need a year or more to Lcbc when they don't wanna spend a 1000$ or more...and really...who is gonna spend so much.we would have liked the achievement bonus first and the other options u created...this kills the game devs...maybe only 10 players can Lcbc within the month...the rest of us have to pw 4 another year
  5. It's called build on normal land first, than expand. Highlands were designed so people need more of a challenge to play.
  6. Rofl, check new achievement about the highlands...4 more to discover...another 100 lands in future updates....that 3trillions, make it about 13...roflmao!
  7. Everyone HATES this new update, and the new annoying phrase on wc isnt hire me, its "follow me". I kinda like the new update. A little bit.
  8. Thanks devs!
  9. I like the update...I'm looking forward to the challenge and progression it will bring. Cant wait for T5 building.

    Sounds like everyone is too lazy... It won't take years. With 25 new lands your plunder will go up twice as much as well
  10. It's ok. I guess.
  11. But that increases pwars
  12. the follow me feature and pm is nice. but real wars only existed with full clans bc. mixing noobs and bc tier 4 players was bad enough. now toss in new tier 2 players with second lc players the fun is gone. not to mention you have to unlock tier 2 buildings first. resets are a waste the minimal stat increases are less than paying for a pro pack. now noobs with no osf access trying to learn the game are gona throw in the towel in a week. yes the real wars will return when everyone is done stat chasing to bc. but come on give the new guy a chance. every ps3 or xbox game gets beat in a week. it now takes 6 mos or more to become competative and not remain pinned. but the war is gone from kingdoms at war. it has become a stat chase to be on the leader board is all.
  13. Also the stat difference is now impossible to cover with allie bonus, how can u cover a 6 mil spy vs a attack build with 5-10 SOS , lol how many spies do u have to buy to cover that , also if ur a spy heavy attack build then how long will it take to cover 5-8 attack building stats with allie bonus ,
  14. @Darth That is good as it is like FC, where LB people still have tons of spy def to fear being stripped. You SHOULDNT be able to stop spy attacks just by allie bonus, because then you can encourage more creatice builds. That aspect and the UI are the only improvements imo.
  15. @twisted. We're being lazy? Considering it takes 650 BILLION to lcbc T4 with only the previous 24 lands and an lcbc T4 makes roughly 600-650 mil off a full run on a T2 spy. 14th land into the new area and the land is 70 billion. All this is doing is trying to increase the MONEY spent on this game. Nothing else. This update was one of the worst ideas ATM. Maybe 6-8 months down the road. A year maybe this would have been a good idea. But not now. It's taking away from the game. Hope you enjoy it devs. I think even a lot of the big spenders are just going to up and stop spending money like they were previously doing. Oh. And I love how the nob exchange rate that "corresponds to the cost of your last explored land or building, whichever is most expensive" no longer applies it seems. I've got the 50 bil land and yet no changes in nob exchange rate... Is this another ploy to try and extract every last penny you can from the KaW community? Wonderfully stupid and obvious ploy to gain money devs. Next time you think about doing an update like this how about you find out and post polls or something. I'm sure MANY of the players wouldn't feel like trying to spend trillions to finally get all the lands. Hands down the dumbest thing that has been done to this game.
  16. So to clarify, there will be another KaW update comming soon? Or soothing to that extent?
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