not yet - this is still all I have: 3,000,000,000 - verified 3,500,000,000 - verified 4,000,000,000 - verified 4,500,000,000 - verified 9,000,000,000 - verified 11,000,000,000 - verified 13,000,000,000 - verified 15,000,000,000 - verified 17,000,000,000 - verified 20,000,000,000 - verified 25,000,000,000 - verified 30,000,000,000 - verified 40,000,000,000 - verified 70,000,000,000 - verified 80,000,000,000 - RUMOR 90,000,000,000 - RUMOR ? ? ? ? 160,000,000,00 - RUMOR ? 185,000,000,000 - RUMOR 210,000,000,000 - RUMOR 300,000,000,000 - RUMOR
I thought this was a great update. Only thing that may not have been the best choice to put in were the extra 25 lands. 5-10 lands I thought would've been better, as it is, others are still trying to lc/bc.As I said before, this was a fairly good update
Speakers on idevice no longer regen to 29......even when on 24 I've emailed them......hoping it's just a bug:/
After playing with this update, I have a couple of thoughts.... When I first saw it I was so-so..... looks to kill the ally market and brings the spy build back into prominence.... So I did a pwar with the new build. After the pwar...... my thoughts... The new map is a great idea. But.... - it costs too much - does little beyond putting lb or cash rich folks way out of reach... little real chance a "normal" kaw player will get there, ever. - Current pwar gold, nob to gold conversion, plunder from a fight are too small to allow the ability to really complete in a timely fashion... - Does a number on the ally market - Appears to kill the reset ability - keep seeing a number of intermittent bugs..... I'll still play it and work toward completing it, just not sure I really enjoy this as much as when we only had t3 ... Need some more time to really think this update thru.... :shock:
The prices on land are nuts! I've never been able to even get up to 20,000,000 yet... Then again I gave up on this game a little with all the "noobs" and "trolls" lately
Well, mods and devs, I think this update is good, but I think that there could be a couple things that could change a little. I think that the new lands are a great idea, a lot of people are going to work towards it simply for the goal of completion, that KAW Manifest Destiny that calls them to explore all lands. However, I think that you will get a more positive reaction by adding a little more incentive. With the confirmed and rumored prices for the new Highlands, it looks like the total cost to LC them will be about 2.5tril. That's a lot. What if you made it so that buildings you built on the highlands would yield double plunder bonus? That would provide a strong incentive to complete the lands. Also, a little bit of a bigger reset bonus for LC Highlands would inspire them to do it again. As it stands, no one who LC Highlands will want to reset, it would undo all of their work, work they can't get back. It costs about 11bil to lc the lowlands, and I've seen people do it in a week. They have earn all the reset bonuses in a month for only 44bil. It would take them several months to LC the highlands, and they would only get one extra incentive. So, 44bil in four weeks to get all of them, or 5 trillion in, say, 6 months to get them all, I know what I would stick with. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, because I'm not. I love this game, it's fun and social, and I like playing it. I got LC a little bit ago, and that was a moment to be excited about. I'm glad that there's something to look forward to after I bc, but I think it would be nice if the highlands could be used as a tool to help the process. As it stands, the only reason I'd look to the highlands is to try to put myself in a better position to help my clan.
OMG!!!! suck it up peeps....It's just like an expansion set you buy at a Gameing store!!! Your plunder will go up as you build new buildings!!! OSF can BC again and offer great plunder in your pwars....Game cant go on forever being the same!!...IT IS ONLY YOUR OWN CHOICE TO SPEND MONEY ON THIS GAME!!! get some self control and stop complaining on how much you spend!!
hello everyone, did you guys read robin's thread ?? if not please have a wee look viewtopic.php?f=3&t=48488
@Xacimus resetting from highland lc counts as 2 resets. Not that much further incentive, but thought id pass it along.
Hello, dev's please add more quests with great payout and very hard thank you, oh yea luv the update
This is pure surgestion. With All new updates highland n t4 buildings, maybe its time for kaw to upgrade to t5 but to dó it in a Challenge.. To earn ur way to t5 u shuld Be lcbct4 Also it would be Nice if castle could get an upgrade.. U could also dó it Like This: to achive t5 buildings u should be lcbct4 but when u lcbc u should build castle to lvl 3 before u get acces to t5... I just Think that the castle is ugly n it must be time for upgrading it...
Did a small bit of math... (based on the costs of lands published so far) 1. Assume I have access to a growing osf, no war and average 750mil or so per run (not in a pwar). 2. I average 10 runs per day (usually a lot less) 3. Assume I am already t4lcbc okay... to complete the highlands playing 11 of 12 days, it will take me a year. :shock: if all I have is access to pwars, even longer. I can shorten this by - dropping allies (keep enough to map) - not buying back allies - buying nobs or crystals ouch.