@Sasuke, I'd watch your mouth. This is coming from the guy that just got a mouthful from CasperTheGhost, who said he is going to report me to mod for harassment for giving one of his sub clans clannies the choice to ask for a CF . You're treading on thin ice, you treaded on thin ice with me, you underestimate my friends and family.
The game isn't my focus. If you weren't so mentally handicapped you'd realise that... AND THAT'S A FACT idiot.
U are mentally challenged. The only way I am gonna talk to u is through ur feed. I am not going away ever.Happy kawing.
I like that reply, you just copied me like a 5 year old. Definitely intellectually disadvantaged. Have fun pressing your little button. I'll have fun with you here in forums
Lili has got her name written all over you ill be enjoying watching her erase you out . Edit :- make a mockery of you.
Is this a threat? You fools don't even know how to word your paragraphs so it's not hatespeech or bannable. Good luck and enjoy your forum ban, Roni.
@sasuke Do what lili is doing, talk through NF not forums. Edit; Do you have permission to use those pictures? They're under the Copyright of America. Any such picture or films taken in of movies is an illegal matter. Tsk, tsk.
Google images is public domain, boi. Edit:Jurassic park movie review thread. Several stills from movie, still available. edit 2:Talking through newsfeed is not as fun