Oh never mind, I just reread. I like it! You could pin the opposing clan with alts to stop them doing damage
So.. attack builds can skim for what.. 50+m a hit, Hansels for 30m a hit, if you lose attack builds have Far less to lose as hansels make money in bonus not when hitting. Needs more thought. Good idea though, support (with tweaks)
Support. Maybe make a req that the clans have to be within 50 ranks of one another?? Should slow down some abuse
Support, Tug of War between clans, Total end bonus from both sides goes to winning clan. You can't cheat this because if nobody hits on the other side u don't earn anything extra then from a regular eb.
Craker that could work but a leaderboard clan or any clan could just make s sub clan and let one side win then let other side win