It was a joke. I have no use for xtals. I have like 7 with no purpose. I would rather not just to see noob tears.
Suck it up and deal with it. One eb lost won't kill you...ebs shouldn't matter all that much anyway in the long run...
Don't touch my ally. U been worried btw he has warred here at summit u can even check history. I wouldn't define him as an EB fairy.
K seriously do u guys have anything better to do??? And have u even seen my equip a holes ive been to plenty of wars and plan to go to many coming up ??? Eb fairy u all need a life for farming for such a stupid reason ? I bet some of u out there want x stals to and yur sitting there farming me GET A LIFE
Guys, he has a Mithril helmet equipment upgraded all the way to level 9! 'hide yo kids! 'hide yo wives!
Horrible grammar, excessive question marks, terrifying spelling, trying to fend hits off with words, returning 5 hits/~2 full bars, thinking that you're tough... Huh, I wonder what kind of forumer you are. Cough.