KaW City

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by IllIll_Jay_IllIll, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. *puts help wanted sign up on shop*
  2. I'm still waiting for my Bazooka...
  3. I get the I gave u the island discount of 100% off
  4. Can I have a cookie too?
  5. I'll open a B
  6. *retires from ravaging the city and opens a small but modest bakery*

  7. Gives xtreme gum...yay i get a cookie
  8. Yay bagles...FREE BOOKS!!!!
  9. OMG.....Did someone mention Bagels
  10. Help wanted at kaw games
  11. We have the store surrounded come out with your hands full of doughnuts
  12. Whoevers at the gun shop i want an AK-47
  13. Hmm...shuts down book store...opens...a italian restaurant
  14. Damn I was about to buy a book

    *opens a arcade*
  15. Puts a book shop wing off of Starbucks there a gift to u star
  16. Help wanted at kaw games