KaW City

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by IllIll_Jay_IllIll, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. Noooooooooo
  2. *gets uber drunk ties him in a boat then sends him into the ocean*
  3. Atomic bomb timeee this ends now.



  4.  I got you now star
  5. Kills dark and buries him next to uber
  6. *laughs at them all because they don't realize that they have been attacking darkknight and that the real uber24 just shot star-shock in the back of the head*
  7. Noooo he was like a father to me
  8. Oh I forgot to tell u one thing...

    Every citizen of KaW City is invincible
  9. *also shoots eagleking in the leg and laughs as he runs away*
  10. *creates angry mob going after uber and darkknight
  11. Nooooo that leg was like a father to me
  12. Another thing after leaving the city there's a pit of poisonous snakes
  13. So u trapped us in here????? Ahhhhhh
  14. [​IMG]

    Alright me and uber are going on a killing streak
  15. freaking crappy forums don't post my messages the first three tries...

    *gets bored of the game and brings coffee to star-shock, whom also knows he and I tricked all of law city*

    P.s., see what I did there?