KaW City

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by IllIll_Jay_IllIll, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. Ok I'm making a restaurant called Stir Fried Benny.


    Benny's legs
    Benny's arms
    Benny's mod badge
    Benny's head

    This restaurant will not open if this thread does not get deleted. That is a warning benny
  3. You can nominate whoever u want just not urself
  4. Comex the nomination thread hasn't been made yet
  5. I nominate lord zuke lol
  6. I nominate anonymous
  7. Who told the noobs about KAW town?!? Who is responsible? Was it you zuke?
  8. 
  9. 360 no scope those terrorists!
  10. Move this to fan fiction please.
  11. _______ *bombing houses*
  12. Keep it here it has no meaning in ff
  13. Can someone nominate me plz
  14. 
  15. There's a dome for a reason