KaW City

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by IllIll_Jay_IllIll, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. Hmm... random noob bump!
  2. Name: Patrick


    Weapons: Scythe, armor(only I know how to kill with it) balaskis-.-
    Race: Reaper

    Preferred venue: New York City(USA)

    Power: Dark magic: Fades into shadows at will, can hide in black hole and make scythe appear out of mid-air.

    Bio: was Born in a North Carolina in Westover. He Ran away from home at the age of 10 with his two brothers' scythes. He Survived off of deer meat in the woods behind a busy road until the bulldozers came ripping all his last three years in half. Ever since he has been making money of of street performing in New York.

    Description: Colin has one Blood red eye that is blind now after it was burned in an accident with the oil grill at a Market when he was looking for food for the next five days. His hair is dirty blond with some colors of brown under the top layer of hair. He wears a leather jacket that he stole from his older brother and jeans that he purchased last week. His scythe is 7 Feet long with a 5 foot long crescent blade that curves half way down( at an angle).his shoes are Nike that seem to always fit him. His left eye is blue as the sky.

    Allegiance: Dark
  3. -walks out of a black hole into the city-
  4. Um no. My rp is allowed because it's proper and professional. This one is allowed. Oh and plus I helped make the fan fic constitution.
  6. ...-scythe appears behind winter and cuts his leg be for it fades away-
  7. *buys a normal house*

    *adds quintuple reinforced 6 foot titanium armor*

    *adds defenes turrets*

    *builds and underground, protected factory*

    *sits back*
  8. -walks out of black hole and destroys new house inside out with the black hole-Sucker....
  9. I thought you left TJ
  10. *Buys mansion
    *trains army
    *gives them rifles
    *takes over kaw city
  11. -find iron and cuts off his leg and right arm-
  12. Buys a small house, puts up anti-back hole units, a helicopter pad with a military missile loaded helicopter that patrols around on autopilot. Puts up electric fence. Puts up sentries and snipers all around the house and starts watching tv after replacing the glass windows with bullet proof windows.