KaW Bus

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Ace99, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. That had to b a fun day at the mall...
  2. Suprisingly, the inside of the cabin hasn't changed...
  3. I hate eclipse...but not every one else apparently...there was over 2.5K people in line just to get a pic with him...EVEN MY MOM WAS EXCITED!!! (SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT ECLIPSE IS!!!)
  4. Okay, well in an hour we will be closer to a trillion miles than ever...
  5. Wow. I like the books better than the movies
  6. Heh, you think you would like a second position? Maybe 2nd driver?
  7. Ugghhhhhh(I'm a zombie)
  8. The only reason we were there was cause we needed to get school stuff...tax free weekend apparently.......
  9. If u zombi, u fired
  10. *limps up to ace and bites a chunk out of his neck*
  11. Just imagine if this was a triple decker...lol, it goes to aisle ZZZZ already...
  12. I can imagine that. I remember when the books came out. I hated that day.
  13. Um...idk how that relates
  14. And masacre I get ak47 and shoot you out of bus with door open, going 5 MILLIPN mph!!!
  15. *wakes up from a dream* so how is the bus doing
  16. Lol, pretty good, now we are going about 5m mph...
  17. Did u put the rockets on the bus
  18. They attached them for me, required a crane...lol