KaW Bus

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Ace99, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. Also, if all 4 drivers are asleep SOMEONE drives us to the KaW hotel, and then we get back on the TOLL ROAD!!!!!!!!
  2. 
  3. Crap..zzzzzz...whoa!!! Where did that cactus come from?!?!
  4. I swear some vehicle in front of us chucked a cactus by over 20 miles ahead, damn, and that had nothing to do with sleeping...
  5. KaW hotel it is!!!
  6. 
  7. Okay rest for now we got 10 miles, only about a little less than a trillion to go!!!
  8. The more people on the bus...the faster we go...
  9. Good night, gonna get some shut eye in the hotel...
  10. 
  11. Quit posting poo, the more you post the more you gotta clean up!!!
  12. Ahhhh....ahhhhh.....AHHHHH CHOO
  13. Whoops i gad an accident on the bus

  14. I shoot tires throws TNT at V8 and kills driver befor jumping off
  15. I light poo on fire throw it at empire and repairs bus and revives people
  16. *hops on the bus and shares cookies* nice bus
  18. Heya mas, what did I do to u empire?