KaW Builds Handbook

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Trev-Star, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. [URL=http://forum.kingdomsatwar.com/viewtopic.php?f=6
  2. [URL=http://forum.kingdomsatwar.com/viewtopic.php?f=6
  3. Shut up dude why do people make forums over an over again, noobs don't read these when I was a noob I didn't look at forums until I was like almost lc rofl
  4. crush u guys r rude
  5. All good, think I saw a dollar sign in with the stats on level3 circle
  6. Sorry: circle of elements
  7. kk ty ill look at it dude ty for reading
  8. KK I'll fix ab now
  9. Computer not working so I'll fix latr
  10. Looks like both my guides spalshed together. And diff format.
  11. I made this guide from scratch... IT TOOK LIKE 4 Days.... :) lol
  12. Just saying.... Being both mine were here before. And almost the same info is here.
  13. Thanks for the help, the handbook looks really good
  14. No they don't SC I saw it and looks nothing like lol :D IRS looks like dillys