KaW Aid - Total Net Worth & Build Calculator***UPDATED***

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlIl_-X-_BH-VIXEN-BH_-X-_lIlI, Apr 9, 2011.

  1. Re: KaW Aid - Total Net Worth

    Well...since all the public calculators are wrong ATM...I'll offer mine until this one is fixed. Pal me if you want it, it's just an excel spreadsheet and not on the Internet anywhere. Still using email...I know, I'm ancient:p
  2. Re: KaW Aid - Total Net Worth

    Oh yes, I can be found in the room "Shol's Strats".


    And Slip...where is that update you promised us? I want to see what else you can come up to add to this.
  3. Re: KaW Aid - Total Net Worth

    Here is a link to Stonford's Calculator after I updated and corrected it.
    I corrected the CF2 and the LF3 defense values and I removed the "Plunder Calculator" section as the equations are nowhere near close to being correct and no one knows the actual equations.
  4. Re: KaW Aid - Total Net Worth

    Kk, use that one then๎ˆฎ
  5. either i did it wrong or sumthing is wrong w my head...it says im supposed to b 45bil cost...
  6. Bring
  7. Bump.

    And im having troubles getting this to work, it downloads, loads, then when it comes to the selection screen I will select one, but it won't work. Any suggestions?
  8. Re: KaW Aid - Total Net Worth

    Nice work ๎€Ž
  9. Re: KaW Aid - Total Net Worth

    Is everyone still able to access this.

    I have just moved house and am working 16 hour days. however I will update this when I get chance.

  10. Re: KaW Aid - Total Net Worth

  11. Re: KaW Aid - Total Net Worth

  12. Re: KaW Aid - Total Net Worth

  13. Re: KaW Aid - Total Net Worth

    sticky this I don't want to go looking 4 it again ๎€‘
  14. Re: KaW Aid - Total Net Worth

  15. Re: KaW Aid - Total Net Worth

    Sticky. Now