Kaw: A short term money make

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Appleseed, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. Same ive played for several years and never unlocked castle level 3 untill a few dats ago
  2. The very last HF land is only 1tril -_-
  3. More like 1.4 trill total, with a fully upgraded building
  4. I've been playing this game for close to 3 years and I'm still not HLBC
  5. Nice thread.

    Kaw prefer us to spend in order to grow. Being super active doesn't helps. Kaw needs to pay for the staff's salary and bonuses for all the new updates made. This is their game, they are the rules and we play the way we are told to do so.

    So lets just suck thumb and hit the ebs! :)
  7. the old days are over. ******* DEAL WITH IT!!
  8. the OLD Days were a mistake to the Devs. The current system is better for them.

    They will prefer us to SPEND, SWIPE and lastly SHUT UP! Overall, this is still a interesting platform to interact with people. Get to know friends and do something together as a family.
  9. This is true, too an extent. I think on average it takes more than a few weeks to HLBC, but if you've got a large wallet, then maybe so. There will always be opportunitys to get equip from the next season of EE wars, so you're not completely out of the loop. In all honesty though, mobile applications are ATAs current mission, but they may have a future elsewhere in the tech world from what I know.
  10. Wasathlbcbeforeb'swerwinvented ;)
  11. Not yet hlbc and I've been here for a 5-7 months I guess?
  12. Soo...

    For LLBC....

    I have an alt who guild hansel LLBC'ed in under 24 hours (t2 attack).

    This was from a single x3 haunt item phase.

    HLBC (Guild Hansel) Is plausible with 2-3 months.

    The issue comes when converting.... Is it better to save up gold from these x3 haunts now, for when they get taken away?

    Or just keep plugging away, 1 by 1, land by land?

    I'm not concerned about the time it will take.

    I want to know the best way in the long run.
  13. This is why Ata will never make a very succesful game like GTA5 or halo etc...
  14. Following OP's argument no major project (or minor project that is not trivial) would ever be completed as the final goal seems too far away. There are a lot of things that make this game fun without the need to be hfbc. If growth is your goal, just set a series of short term objectives that are steps to your ultimate goal.
  15. I would of agreed a short while ago with apple seeds post
    Ata have introduced high pay ebs with free access to them. These are making growth very attainable
    The biggest problem I see in kaw at the moment when is actually when I ally shop or roam on an alt.
    frankly it is disgusting the amount of clans with 3-6 people hitting a warbeast or other pig mission. They get the odd one or two new players in who having hired and volleyed some and offered guidance for a start some have moved onto more active clans.
    Some chose to stay there because they wanted to be loyal.
    All the loyal ones I hired go inactive due to their failing clans with no support.

    It's not just the growth it's the support for new players.
    We need the devs to have a clan structure that gets rid of some of these failing clans or 4 man clans and direct new players to clans with a good reputation / rating so that they get the support they need.
    Unfortunately we cannot chase and help them all but if the new players can be guided towards clans that meet a certain success and even liked ratio then maybe we can get them more involved.

    Rancour equipment if wars were matched well new players could war equally in smaller clans to start and their will be new rewards for season 3. Older players having a head start is nothing new. And even with this system many active players don't get a chance to war so I'd rather see 1v1 system for rewards to make it more fun on our schedule not ata's
  16. Well said and so true.
  17. Please read my post in the T6 level 3 release thread on page 6. I think it's relevant to this discussion.
  18. Personally I don't think ATA have made this all about the short term. I think too many players are all about the short term ... Too many want it easy , can't be arsed to work for it .

    This game is simple - activity with a some common sense equals solid to great growth.

    It's good to have a game that is long term.

    It's good to have a game that in its own way is so simple that you can make any goal you like - what you want out of the game and what you achieve is entirely your choice ...

    Maybe you want to be LB ranked - fine work for it be patient

    Maybe you want to get all the items to max enchant - fine work for it

    Maybe you just want to have fun in a clan of like minded people - fine go find them and make some friends and enemies along the way

    Maybe you just want to be helpful to new players - excellent train noobs

    Maybe you want to help everyone including the devs - fine aim to be a Mod ( ps there can be only one Moose)

    Maybe you want to win wars - good build a decent build earn your stripes

    Maybe you want to start your own clan - aim to have a family that strides the halls of KAW like the great families already here - fab be a leader

    Maybe you want to work out how to LLBC faster than ever before - cool start a new account

    Maybe you want to farm every other player in KAW - ( like Swabia) .. well stop reading and get on with it

    Get my point ? Lots of potential ... Lots of opportunity ...

    But bottom line - activity equals growth - quit whining hit an epic hit another player . Just do it often and you'll get there- "patience was Virgin , sadly in the case of many noobs not for very long " ;)
  19. Yup that's why I'm never spending another dime on a dying game ............ There are way better games on App Store ,wit better graphics than this money hungry game !!!!!!!
  20. Support! I too think that everything should be handed to us for free.