KaW 101

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. But, overall it is a good guide 

    Btw what I said earlier, I learned from my mentors
  2. This is actually a pretty good thread 
  3. Also you should put the glossary in the beginning and give extra emphasis on it because new players will look at step 1 and get confused. Just say to look at the end of the thread to find any words you are unsure of etc. table of contents also nice.

    Constructive criticism
  4. Nice work extreme. Maybe tell them what farming is. You said hitting more than 5x is rude, and that It will get you farmed. You should explain farming more.

    Other than a few little things a good guide. 
  5. For my first one, not to bad eh?
  6. If you truly want a sticky, email it to the devs and ask what they think you should do and ask the devs if they can sticky a little later on
  7. Sadly I won't be editing, lol, don't have pc.
  8. Hmm... Maybe you can ask a mod to edit your post?
  9. Not possible, already called moose a liar when he told me he couldn't.
  10. Well ask the devs to then. Send them
    Feedback presenting your email address for varification then email them with SS and etc what you want to change in this thread and do the stuff and changes in notes.