KaW KandyStore

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iLoL, Jul 25, 2010.

  1. Down withe the bear!!
  2. 
     

  3. U fail!!
  4. DOWN WITH THE BEAR!!!!!  *grabs bearzooka and hands one to tigaz and gets ready to fire*
  5. There is an army of pedo-bear in the Kandy store buying Kandy
  6. *joins cass in the pedo bear massacre*
  7. Yup of course
  8. *starts shooting all the *
  9. This is a scary candy store
  10. *joins cass in the bear massacre*
  11. *eats the toast* but we are making it safer by getting rid of the pedo-bears
  12. Yes it iz, did we get all them bears?
  13. Hmmmmmmm they show skill (turns to his assistant) release the desert eagle equiped pedo-bears all 150,000 of them
  14. *sends out the monster cookies to destroy the pedo bears*
  15. Send in minor air support
  16. (lol this could be a good book)
  17. *attacks masacre while shooting the pedo-bears with my bearzooka my sword and masacre's neck* 