KaW KandyStore

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iLoL, Jul 25, 2010.

  1. *starts serving candy again*
  2.  wheres the cookies
  3. *gives cass cookies*
  4. *finds the cherry candy ... Grabs a cherry lolipop*
  5. Awwww i want cherry loli
  6. *gives cass a cherry lolipop*
  7. Hello, want some cookies or candy?
  8. I'm back!!! (holds swords and has an army of the most elite people)u have 2 choices u can join my as we rule this Kandy store or go against me and die!
  9. I didnt bother reading the thread.. Can I be the gay clown that stalks children?
  10. Only if u join me in my war against tigaz and cass
  11. *Permanently kills cass and tigaz*
  12. @masacre hmmm let me think


    *u see an army of (thise things) behind me*
  13. I should start a fight thread where u can do an action in a pretend war and oters have to follw that but u can always do wat u want after that action
  14. Example: I cut cass' head off (she has to follow that I cut her head off but she can get some1 to revive her)
  15. Im immune to ur weapons 