I agree. Kanye's performance was absolutely disgusting. I paused my tv once I heard that autotune, waited a few minutes, then skipped it. For the rest of the show, well, I wasn't too interested in the music either.
I agree. Music in General is dead. I grew up on rap/hip-hop so I noticed it dying around Lil Wayne's carter 3. I didn't listen to other genre's except old school rock. So I didn't notice that rock had also slid into the same hole to die as hip hop had until I saw part of the Grammies the other night. It saddens me to say that country music has more substance than other genre's these days. Much more.
I mostly just listen to edm nowadays. Although it saddens me to see it go so mainstream in the past 5 years as it is something that ive loved for for nearly 20 years. Im happy to see the artists i love succeed and become rich and famous. I guess that what we all want in one way or another. It used to be about the drugs. Then it became about the music and the drugs. Now its about the money and the drugs. As some one who doesnt do drugs (anymore), my view of the state of affairs in the edm culture is bright, but melancholy at the same time. I do believe it will be the most popular music in future. But to me thats not a good thing because popular music = crap to me. I pretty much cant stand 90% of the radio or top 100 crap, which i fear is the direction edm is going.
Can't say I'm a huge EDM fan, but again... respect all genres for their talent. And yes, everything is going pop nowadays. Maroon 5 is a good example. I used to love them. They were ROCK. Now, they're 100% pop. Taylor Swift used to be a talented country singer/songwriter. She got Maroon 5'ed. That's where the listeners are, that's where the money is. As someone else said, it's a business. I just miss when it was all about starving artists making good music. Peace, love, rock and roll.
Guys ... Lets do fusion bands and solve every problem lets get some N.W.AC/DC going or some maroon 5 for fighting ! Come on everyone fusion bands!!!
Get out of my head lol I was talking to a buddy the night of the grammys and I said the same thing. Music today is garbage.
Dude. I LOVE Five for Fighting. Ok, hmmm... Stroke Nine Inch Nails Alice in Cooper Chains Avenged Sevendust Jurassic Folds Five Blink 311 The Grateful Dead Kennedy's Pearl Jammy Eat World Hootie and the Blow Phish The Moody Blue Octobers MegaDeath Cab for Cutie This is fun.