Kammunity Gold Sink Discussion Ideas

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Rusted_Knight_of_New_Age, Mar 17, 2017.

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  1. Clan Roster Expansion.

    Something I've read numerous players state is, the want to expand on their home clan. I.E. more member slots.

    This could be a solution in part depending on how the devs utilize it. They could raise prices similar to how they raise prices on the extra ally slots.

    For example, charge 10T for 1 new clan member slot and the cost could raise accordingly until it caps at a 150 member clan roster.

    If someone else already mentioned this then disregard.

    Summary. Spend lots of gold to make your clan bigger.
  2. I'd like to offer a word of caution for this from some experiences on Gaw. Now GaW had a dwindling player base so the cause of the issue in about to state is different but the result is the same. Towards the end of GaW all the active large players were in the top 25-30 families (clans) which kind of just made it a game of the top tier fighting the same top tier forever. I fear if you let everyone have 50 more slots the same will happen and our shortage of small growth clans for new players will be even worse
  3. Perhaps a simple idea, just have some very expensive special pots. I like that idea. payin 20b for one hit lol
  4. This can be locked. The only Gold Sink the developers seem to be able to do is with adding New Lands.

    Thank you all for your great ideas.
  5. Some interesting ideas here.
  6. Please no new lands. Reguardless of the cost the damages of new lands and builds come with fricken stats.

    The stat range is far to big and it needs to be smaller. But that won't happen.

    Plus making Lands bought from silver bars is a horrible idea. Off system pvp would take another hit because players no longer have to leave Gold out.

    If you make new lands that have to be bought from bars then the bars should be able to be stolen and attacked away.
  7. I appreciate your feedback Rusty. We won't be using silver bars for new lands. But the idea of another currency is interesting. I agree there needs to be some rebalancing for stat ranges.

    But the blanket 'no new lands, ever, no matter what' is not realistic.
  8. Lock per op request / unlocked now due to op request.
  9. New currency, interesting, yes.

    New lands, no. What makes the no lands ever unrealistic? It has created more in game problems than it solves and deludes and dissolve the enjoyment of the game for the mad percentage of players.

    New players don't join because most of the mid grade players both lower and upper mid grade, despise how this game has turned out. Thus giving the game a low rating on the App Store. Then when players do join, the only thing they can do is press repeat. Some want to actually war. Endless events and endless lands have hinder war both off system and EE.

    The ally market is a mess and adding more allies into it will not fix it. There are less players and clans now then there have ever been and the number is shrinking.

    It's a quick buck at the most and will only lead to more players giving up than quitting. And build tokens will not save the game.
  10. Again, there is some truth to what you are saying but this is vitriolic and sensationalized.

    We are putting more resources back into KAW and we have some changes around everything you are talking about. Stay posted on the wishlist response thread for more details.
  11. It's not just vitriolic and sensationalized remarks. I actually want this game to succeed and I see major problems with the current path of the game.

    I have always been vocal about them as well. Back before I quit and now that I've returned. I actually want to have fun playing this game with my clan mates.

    That is difficult because of my game play. Any many others feel the same as me. I may be a OSW heavy player though, but even players who enjoy growing and hitting ebs are worn out. And players who rather pvp have to grow or they will end up like an account like mine. Ineffective and too small to do any damage in strips and farms.
    Still even if I grow, the gap will exist. It's not the same when there are so many sections of growth and you have to body up your players to hit. And adding new lands will make that worse and adding tokens will not correct it.

    Changing the UI may help a little bit of the game play is still hindered than it won't fix your rating.

    This may sound like I'm attacking you but I am voice an opinion many people share. Rather they share it the same way I do or not is reguardless.

    I asked you to tell me where I was grossly making simplistic analysis of the game and you called it a waste of time. Banking on the update to please me.

    I'll wait for that update and give my opinion there. I just hope you'll be on to respond, reguardless of if I like the update or not.

    You can call my remarks bitter but they aren't. There is no malice to be had. I see a problem and I speak about it. Not to shame or hate on you or your team. But to fight for change. It only seems bitter because you read it that way and text does not translate tone.
  12. Fair enough. We'll have to wait and see. I do think you have some good points and they are things we are actively discussing internally. We both want this game succeed and we both want a change of direction, we simply disagree about whether there is a way that new lands can be part of that direction. I don't believe there is a conversation we can have on the forums which will convince you of my point of view. So until you see what we are planning and give it a chance, there isn't really a discussion to be had.
  13. I would enjoy your point of view though.

    I may never agree with you when it comes to new lands and a lot of players won't feel that way as well. Me especially because it's not about growth it's about the negative effects having that large of a CS does and having that much gold in game does to the content of the game. Especially when it comes to pvp (both off system and system. Mainly off system.)

    But you opinion is welcomed because it may make me understand where you are coming from.

    It's like a gun debate. Regardless of what side you are on part of the problem with the world is people feel like they won't voice their opinion out of fear of being rude.

    I may not agree with your point of view. But if you state it, it will allow me to see it from your view and ultimately help me think of a possible solution. If there is one to be had. Than I or someone else will present the idea on forums.
  14. So let me see it from your perspective. The worse it will do is give me something I can use to bring out a possible solution. If it's earnings I'll work on an idea for earnings. If it's giving the bigs something to do I can think something out. And even if you don't agree with my replacement ideas, I can say I tried and I did it the best way I could. And you can say you did the same.

    I'm not just here to say, stop lands forever. If that happens it has to be replaced. Your company needs to make money. The bigs need to have a goal and the mids need to feel useful for the smalls to have motivation to get to the mid tiers and war and farm and OSW and mash repeat on ebs and grow. While having fun.
  15. But it'll be hard press to ever really attempt to find a middle ground if one side (ATA) never shares their point of view on the subject. On why they think new lands help the game instead of hurting it detrimentally.
  16. It's refreshing to see you start becoming more balanced in your communication, but unfortunately I have work to do for the rest of the day, and I've spent a lot of time already this morning on the forums. Perhaps next time we can start from this point instead of from a point of contention.
  17. It has always been from a way to fix the subject but when you assume I have a vitriolic stance it will seem like that until I clearly state that isn't so. Though it did bring out a small discussion.

    Hopefully you come back out when the update is posted. It is a bit disheartening when y'all post these updates and go into lurk only modes. Anyways, hopefully we can talk then and the update comes out sooner this week than later.
  18. Why not have new lands and buildings as the gold sink....but with one change. They are completely normal, cost gold, increase stats, etc....but don't give more plunder.

    That's part of the curse. The airlands have boosted plunder to extraordinary amounts and have made things even worse. So fine, do new lands, but don't have them increase plunder at all and that portion of the problem is solved.
  19. Locked at ops request.
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