@drgnblade. Don't talk like you know me, noob mod. It's not my fault you to a-retentive to enjoy a good joke or a beautiful women. Why don't you go listen go your Streisand albums and dance YMCA with your Village People buddies? Anyway, it is not my fault you are either too dense or too inexperienced in this game to recognize a troll trap when you see one.
But enough of this tit-for tat, drgnblade. Are you gonna put something behind that -talking mouth of yours? This is a war game after all noob. Lets see a little incoming here. Lets see what kind of damage that Girly-boy build can do. I ain't hiding in pin, drAgOnblafe so hurry up and hit me already. Break the cf we have between our clans. Come On , little Moddy boy, hit me. HIT ME!
Uh huh.. Yeeeaahhh, that's it.. :roll: Just the fact that you know about Streisand and YMCA makes me take back my earlier immature teenager comment. And replace it with a pervy old man trying too hard to fit in with today's generation comment.. Each to their own I guess.
Hey drgn? Does frog remind you of any unbiased reporter who consistently fails at smack talk and has zero sense of humor?
Oh. And that reporter's seemingly irrational hatred for moderators? Gosh. I could make a list of the similarities.
Pervy? Lol Better watch your mouth noob. I wonder what ATA thinks about their mods spreading unsubstantiated rumors about their customers in the forums. But enough with the mouth, Girly boy. Where's the incoming already? C'mon lady boy, lets see it already. HIT ME
Mmmhm don't throw me back.... But seriously was this needed in our Forums? Can you not just go read some teenage girl gossip magazine? we don't want to know who's with who.
Legit reasons to hate Justin Bieber: He said **** happens for a reason. When asked to try out veganism he made a big show of gagging on and spitting out a vegan steak that had been ordered for him. When he visited Anne Franks house, he wrote in the guest book that he hoped “she would have been a belieber”. He’s a spoiled little brat. Not legit reasons to hate Justin Bieber: He looks ‘feminine’ you think he’s gay His voice sounds ‘feminine’ Wat is a Belieber? Little Monster for lifeee