Just need, some peoples thoughts

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SgtJango, Sep 30, 2016.

  1. Some of what you describe sounds very similar to depression. It might be less of a medical issue though and more a result of the hormones we all get to deal with during high school ages. However, it never hurts to ask a doctor. Go talk to them and you might find there's a much simpler answer to what your feeling than what you think.

    However, whether that's the issue or not, always remember that life is what you make of it. There's a lot of folks that will push you in directions or tell you what you can and can't do. Don't buy that. You decide what you want out of life and go make it happen. There is no meaningful limitation other than yourself.

    You wanna start over? Do it. Find a way. (A constructive way ideally, don't run away from home or anything). Figure out what you want. Where you want to be, what you want to do, who you want to be....and then make that happen. Don't stop till you do and don't let anyone else stop you either.
  2. What! We can post youtube links? Well hey that will save me lots of time
  3. Everyone always got something to say when I start posting
  4. Drugs will solve all your problems
  5. I was going to post something But honestly.
    Thanatos is spot on.
    A doctor / counsellor is what you need most.
    Talking to anyone real world you trust is the best thing for you. Do not isolate yourself, the. Things get harder.
    But there are always people who will support you.
    Please ignore any trolls on here. And get the best real world help and advice you can.
    Your future ale the most of it. Don't live your life for others. Live it for what makes you happy and with people that bring you up not down.
    I wish you all the best.
  6. Hang in there OP ...just don't give up on women like Snoop & Word did
    ??TRUMP 2016??
  7. I am always sad to see a youth so down and upset :(

    If you would like, i can offer some advice for you and maybe some places to go to help with these sorts of issues.
    It would be no burden and i would be more than happy to help if you wish ;)

    Aside from that, just remember Jango, life is a wonderous and unique thing.
    Do not fall to others pressures or wants.
    Your life is yours & yours alone.
    You are a fee to use the time here as you wish ;)

    So don't stress about the small things. Find what is important to you, find your passion, find your love, and live life :)

    Just remember that although your school years will finish soon, never stop self educating!
    Question everything & anything!!
    And all the best to you young lad!

    P.s. Depression & Anxiety is a terrible burden to our youth. But now there are things like "Learned Helplessness"
    where a person has gone thru their youth, into their late 20's or 30's, and have not dealt with their issues.

    Its worse than depression.
    I personally have seen this every day thru my partner of 8 years.
    He struggles with this every hour of every day.

    So please guys and gals, if you are feeling down, talk about it.
    To friends, family, doctor, psychologist, or even online like Jango has done here.
    Reach out and communicate. Because a life with depression or anxiety, especially in our youth, just takes away from the quality if it so so much. :(

    I encourage anyone out there to lend an ear to those in need.
    Just the feeling of someone activity listening to them, means the bloody world to them ;)

    Be good to one another my fellow Kawers!!

  8. Learn to say No. Embrace it. Practice it. Say no to everything. Say no to parties. Say no to the gf. Say no to friends. And spend the time doing what you need to do in order to value yourself more.
  9. No man no man no man!

    Seriously though Daph is right.
  10. Learn to say Yes, too.
    Yes to responsibilities. Yes to planning ahead for long-term goals. Yes to be brave to challenges and unexpected failures. Yes to moving on. Yes to change yourself to improve.
    It's good to have a grip of yourself. To be in control of yourself, not influenced by circumstances. To be afraid of uncertainties is like giving up and doing nothing.
    How do you picture yourself, 10 years from now? 30 years from now? Perhaps you can start with that, op.
  11. There's a LOT of good advice on this... and some not so good advice. So... I'll tell you a few things, I'm currently in school to become a counsellor... yeah that's my type of thing! I'm not an expert and I don't have all the answers, but if you ever just wanna talk.. I'm here, and I'll listen. If you want you can wall me or follow me. I'll follow back. I really hope your not just trolling! Lol
  12. If you're feeling depressed, there may be an event in your past that is causing this, an ongoing situation that causes this or it might just be for no real reason. Teenagers are practically wired for depression, reason to feel that way or not.

    Sometimes there's a solution, sometimes you just have to soldier through. If you notice it gets worse, past the point of just wanting to be alone for a while, or maybe it would be a good idea BEFORE it possibly gets worse, I suggest finding a good listener or asking your parents to get you a professional to talk to.
    Talking about my feelings has never been my thing as I'm able to tough everything out, but having an outlet might help you.