Of course , if your first thing you do on a game is go onto forums and post means your either making another account so your main doesn't get farmed or your looking up on how to play, i automatically went with option 1 considering this was your 1st post.
Its not awkward to share an account, sometimes you do it to help out a person who's busy. If that's awkward than you gotta get a better sense if morals.
Didn't mean that long, I've seen people committed to the game with 6 years on their account just saying compared to the players still playing kaw that I've been playing long too. P.s if i counted the total years I've played it would be 4 but i didn't connect my 1st account so that's gone.
V isn't saying it's awkward to share an account, he's saying it's awkward to admit to sharing on forums which the devs/mods can read
Alts are killdrone's general and another that won't be said due to sharing the account with another.[/quote] If you've been playing longer than most you'd know not to admit to account sharing... Awkward.[/quote] Its not awkward to share an account, sometimes you do it to help out a person who's busy. If that's awkward than you gotta get a better sense if morals.[/quote] V isn't saying it's awkward to share an account, he's saying it's awkward to admit to sharing on forums which the devs/mods can read[/quote] Devs don't forbid account sharing, they forbid the act of making an kaw account, upgrading it fast and selling to a buyer. What im doing is just popping in once in awhile to hit eb when friend can't get on.
You REALLY need to read TOU properly but because im nice heres a picture of the relevant part You can thank me later dont worry