just a helpful suggestion devs from a concerned citizen 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RELlC, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. I'm not a statless alt, I'm a guy that no longer has a main besides this 
  2. I don't mean to come off rude,

    I simply noticed you told someone to use their brain, so I took offence because I'm an asshole.

    The idea has it's values, but it is far outweighed by the faults.
  3. Taco they've tried tweaking GH it didn't help anything
  4. Yes E I shouldn't if said that but it's irritating when people don't properly read the post then comment on something that was clearly clarified in original post lol
  5. No support bro, people will abuse it if such important decision trusted to them (even TVP got abused), and maybe this is what makes the dev having hardtime developing xtal war and ee war both at the same time (how to make xtal war not getting abused). The system only act as referee (neutral side) how we play it, win or loose, its all comeback to how hard ur teamwork and efforts for it. Having bad matchup? Only God and Dev know it, i guess.

    * I wont accept challenge/ challenge RH either if the idea come true (lol)
  6. That's cause they did the complete opposite of what I said, and it was only a slight tweak that there was an easy way around. I feel like if someone smaller can get a lot from you then a bigger build should be able to get just as much if not more than what someone just took from them. So stupid that this happens
  7. So the RH issue would mean what? Maybe 3-5 top clans would be forced to stop using the big small roster stack? Is that such a bad thing!
  8. True taco but little guys should be rewarded for hitting up not, not visa versa
  9. Not really, cuz the bigger guys have worked harder! The littler accounts take like two seconds, you shouldn't reward them for that.
  10. Ya but if small accounts payed good it would encourage people to just noob farm 24/7, but I see your point and I agree it would be a great way to eliminate the GH issue
  11. Ya that's true outside war, which is why they should make that an option only for war, so that the smaller accounts can still grow
  12. I guess when creating this I was just thinking that as a clan trying to break into e war it would be nice to just be able to post in wc, "looking for a clan to war" and getting several clans also looking to war that wall you, and you could pick the best matchup. Bc that's what really needs to happen overall, more clans need to be able to get involved in e war for it to be successful
  13. You know if your a small beginner clan you could say looking for war in wc, and other clans wanting to try it that our your size could wall you to challenge them
  14. Ya, well ATM it's not so much that as it is the strategy that is needed to succeed now... Bigs and sh's are the only ones being recruited and able to war nowadays, leaving the kids on the curb... I know cuz I just stopped warring a couple days ago since I'm in that area now. Building up slowly and surely. Without towers is so much more rewarding in ebs